Bad Publicity # 4 - Thank God for Harry Styles.

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A/N: I don't think I like this chapter that much but I hope it's fine. HAHA :D Enjoy reading :D


The next morning, I was awakened by Harry who was playing with the curls at the ends of my blonde hair. I can hear the boys fooling around downstairs and Eleanor, with Clarisse, laughing. Maybe Louis has done something really funny. I opened my eyes and saw Harry staring at me, like he was watching TV or something.

“Good morning.”I told him with a smile.

He smiled back at me, “Good morning. Had a good sleep?”

“Had a GREAT one.” I answered, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

I was going to stand up and jump off the bed when Harry held me down and hovered over me, wearing a cheeky smirk I know all-too-well.

“Haz, I swear, it’s too early for that smirk to appear on your face and for this.” I said.

“Breakfast?” he asked cheekily before leaning down and kissing my lips. As much as I don’t want to do this with the possibility of the boys walking into us like this, I just can’t resist Harry’s soft kisses. It was becoming an addiction for me, that’s bad, isn’t it? But you can’t blame me, Harry was irresistible, I swear. Okay, don’t tell him I said that...

“I thought it’s too early for this?” Harry asked with a smile against my lips.

“Shut up.” I answered, reconnecting our lips.

Harry’s hands travel from my arms to the ends of my top; he slightly raised it and rested both of his hand on both sides of my waist. One of my hands was playing with his curls, and the other was behind his neck. I pulled his face closer, deepening the kiss and a moan escaped his lips which made me smile. He slowly pulled away and started kissing my soft spot on my neck; I bit my lower lip and lightly tugged on his hair. I pulled Harry’s lips back to mine and my phone started ringing, I reached for it, not pulling away for the kiss, and looked at the caller ID. Mom. I gently pushed Harry away and showed him my phone, he groaned but didn’t get off me as I answered my phone.

“Hey Mom. Nice for you to remember me despite your busy schedule.” I said sarcastically.

“Didn’t I tell you, never use that tone with me? Now, I want you and your boyfriend in that restaurant in our hotel by lunchtime. Clear?” she said sternly.

I felt numb. She wants me and Harry? “Me and Harry? Why?”

“I and your Dad want to meet him and I doubt you would introduce him to us unless we set up something so here it is.” She explained.

“You and Dad? He’s going to be there? What happened to all the ‘I hate your Dad, he’s an asshole’ speech for the last year and months!?” I asked, trying to get my way out of this.

“I believe I don’t have to explain myself to you. I want you later, okay? You and your boyfriend, in the restaurant, lunchtime.” And she hung up.

I staggered, I dropped my phone on my side and Harry saw the worry in my eyes.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, gently stroking my cheek with his thumb.

“My parents want to meet you.” I said.

He smiled. “Really? That’s great!”

“No, Harry. It’s not!” I pushed him off me and jumped off the bed, running downstairs. All of them greeted me ‘good morning’ when I passed by the lounge but I ignored them. I got the feeling they had the hint of my bad mood because they kept quiet. I started making coffee for myself when Harry entered the kitchen, he was obviously confused.

Bad Publicity - A Harry Styles / One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now