Bad Publicity # 5 - Mission Accomplished

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**Three Days Later**

It’s our third day here in Holmes Chapel and Harry’s Dad just got back from visiting Gemma in London so Anne, Harry’s Mom, decided that we should have a special dinner altogether. Anne and Harry cooked Fettucine Alfredo together while I quietly watch them. I don’t know how to cook, but I know how bake. I used to do it with my Dad; it was one of our favorite bonding.

“Katy, are you okay?” Harry asked, snapping me out of the memories playing back on my head.

“I’m fine.” I lied. After that playback, I started missing my old life, those times before my sister ran away and my Dad cheated on my Mom.

He frowned. “You’re fine? Katy, you’re crying. What’s wrong?”

That’s when I realized tears were rolling down my cheeks. I quickly wiped them away, not wanting to admit to anyone that I missed my family, and faked a smile. “I don’t think I’m feeling well. Maybe I should just sleep on this and you guys have your family dinner. I’ll be fine.”

I ran upstairs into Harry’s room, closing shut the door and sitting on his couch by the window, crying. As much as I wanted to deny it to myself, I’ve always loved my family. I entered show business to make them proud, and to be worthy of their name. It wasn’t something they asked from me, it was something I felt like I needed. But now, all I needed was to make more fun memories with my family, especially now that my parents are getting back together. It was something I’ve always wanted to happen; I just didn’t know it then.

“Of all the things you can tell me, you told me you’re fine when you actually cried just by watching me and my Mom cook.” Harry said when he entered the room. He lifted me up, sat on the couch, and placed me down on his lap. He cuddled me and I rested my head on his chest. “What’s wrong?”

“I miss my family Haz.” I confessed. “A lot. I shouldn’t have shouted at my parents, especially my Dad.”

“I’m sure they understood where you’re coming from when that happened. It’s okay, you can still spend a lot of time with them and maybe you should start by going in your Mom and Dad’s wedding.” He said, running his fingers through my hair. “Are you joining us for dinner?”

“No. Don’t let me ruin the family moment by showing up there, crying and all. I’m fine up here. Go and spend time with your parents. I’m sure they missed you a lot.” I said.

“I’ll be back. Don’t you dare sleep without me.” He said before giving me a peck on my lips and walking out the room.


The day after that, Harry decided that we should probably get back to London. I didn’t want to but the boys and my manager have been bugging us even if we weren’t answering their calls. We were able to leave their house by five in the afternoon but not before having a little talk and picture-taking with the fans waiting for him.

“Why are you grinning?” we were almost in London when I noticed Harry was smiling contentedly.

“I just feel so accomplished.” He answered like I knew what he was talking about.

I chuckled. “What? Is this some kind of mission?”

He nodded. “Your manager asked me to convince you to go to your parents’ wedding because your Mom threatened to fire her if you don’t go to the wedding. Thank God my plan worked or else Niall’s girlfriend would’ve lost her job.”

“Niall’s what!?” I exclaimed. Everything that he said shocked me but the last part caught me off guard.

“Shit.” Harry muttered. “I forgot you didn’t know. Niall would kill me.”

Bad Publicity - A Harry Styles / One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now