Chapter 5

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The next morning Ruby woke up at 7 o clock. She knew Louis had a book signing today at 9 o clock and she needed to get her gear unpacked and get herself ready for the day ahead. She unpacked her clothes and picked out clothes to wear. She chose a cute mini denim button up skirt with a fuschia pink bandage top. She paired it with pink flip flops since it was quite warm in LA. Next she started on her make up, she chose a light foundation and concealer with winged eyeliner, bold mascara and matt fuschia lip gloss. She styled her hair into diva curls with loads of volume, she hoped to promote her brand as a hair stylist and how could she do it if her hair didnt look fabulous.

Ruby was all ready but it was only 8 o clock, god she was getting good at timing. Suddenly she heard light sobbing from the next room. That cant be Louis she thought, she just couldnt imagine him crying, I mean his life was perfect wasnt it? She walked into Louis room unannounced to find him lying in bed sobbing, hot tears running down his godlike face.

"Umm sorry Louis, its just I heard sobbing and wanted to see if everything was okay, I know im only your hair stylist but as you said in your first letter, we can be close friends too" blurted Ruby

"Hey love, yeah I know its just its been hard without the boys from One direction, Im not used to doing things on my own, I mean one day your in a band handling the vocals, the meet and greets, the tours, the albums together and next day your handling all this on your own" the words bursted out of Louis mouth

"so what your trying to say is its a lot of pressure and kind of lonely am I right?" asked Ruby

"Thats exactly what im trying to say love, finally someone understands" said Louis with a sigh of relief

"Maybe trying messaging them to arrange a meet up, it might make you feel better and remember im only your hair stylist but im always here to talk as a friend also" suggested Ruby

"Thanks Ruby youve made me feel so much better come here for a hug" Louis said as he reached out to pull Ruby close to him

"No problem" whispered Ruby just enjoying the warm cuddles Louis was giving her

Management busted through the door soon. "OKAY TIME TO GET READY!!!" shouted Louis manager

"Does he always have to shout that loud" laughed Ruby as she ran her hands through Louis thick hair to style it.

"Yes, yes he does" Louis chuckled out loud

Ruby continued to style his hair, at one stage she looked up as she thought she saw a flashing light. She didnt just think she saw it, she did. She saw it because a girl called Brit, who was one of the attire choosing team was taking a photo of her and Louis. This was it, she was the rat and it wouldnt be too long before Ruby called her out on it.

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