Chapter 6 Louis pov

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Louis mothers words kept going around his head "please clear things with zayn boobear life's short"  if anyone knew this it was Louis after loosing his mother to cancer .Louis really missed his mother Louis knew she was right so thats when he decided to text zayn.

I held my phone tightly waiting for a reply, I couldn't believe I was doing this. I almost drop the phone when it buzzed in my hand, sighing I open the message it read "sure man where will we meet?". I respond with" "Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles at 3:30pm" I now needed an excuse since he's going to be at the hotel were staying.

I decided to tell Ruby that family was coming to visit and I shall be meeting them downstairs alone. I hate lying to her knowing how close we have become over this short period of time. Thankfully she respected my wishes, and that I love about you the most. I couldn't let anyone find out that I was meeting Zayn, I didn't want to start any drama considering we were only meeting to talk.

At 1:30 pm I get ready for my last show of the day, Ruby comes in to do my hair I can't help but notice how beautiful she is. But I can't be thinking such thoughts considering I am her employer and she is just my stylist. But I can't help but thinking what it would be like to have her as my girlfriend. Sighing she finishes my hair asking if something is wrong I said that everything is fine and not to worry.

3:15 p.m. rolls around and I start to get anxious meeting Zayn for the first time in months. Ruby tells me to have a great time my family and she would love to meet them one day. I can't help I feel terrible for lying but it has to be this way, I make my way downstairs an go into the hotel restaurant I don't see Zayn anywhere. I figure I'm too early and after 20 minutes I see him walking in the front door he's wearing a disguise. He walks over to me making sure it is me as I am hiding my face with black shades and a black hat. We greet each other with hugs and a handshake then we get into business. I confess that I miss him and want to be friends again
He tells me he lives with his girlfriend and ask me have I any in love interests, I tell him about Ruby and how beautiful she is but I feel as though it will never be. He tells me that I need to stop worrying about stupid stuff and go after the girl of my dreams. After 2 hours we both agree to call it a night give me one last hug and we agree to keep in contact. I make my way back upstairs and as I'm about to turn the corner to my room I hear Ruby talking on the phone, about how she wishes she could have a family as great as mine. I feel an overwhelming amount of guilt for lying someone I feel like and trust, before I go into my room I hear her say I'd like to meet his family one day.

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