Nine: The Accident

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Kate and Cameron waited patiently. She couldn't stop thinking, Ruth seemed alright she seemed so healthy. Everything was fine weeks earlier. Their Oncologist Dr. Sally Winnington entered the room. She signed , that made Kate's heart sink.
     "She's sleeping we ran some tests on her."
     "How is she doing ?"Kate asked.
     "She's exhausted but we'll know more we have to keep her." Cameron held Kate. Dr. Winnington had been their Oncologist for three years, she worked closely with Ruth. She had terminal cancer for the last four years.
     Kate sat at the table, she looked at the clock it was late, but she couldn't sleep. There was no way she could even think about sleeping. John came from the attic, he was finishing some work.
     "Are you alright ?"
     "I'm ...... I's Ruth" Kate said trying to get her words out. He sat down.
    "What about her?"
    "John there's something I need to tell you.....something me and Cameron never told you."
   "I became pregnant with our first child and of course I thought I was healthy. Me and Cameron were so excited I was only twenty five around the time. We were just married and moved in this tiny apartment. Cameron worked his ass off during this time. He was always telling me how happy he was to be a father. He was young also, we didn't have much but we were confident. We ..... we were sure of ourselves. Or at least we thought we were. During my pregnancy I had complications, the doctors didn't think we were going to make it. But ..... somehow I gave birth to Riley Sherman. She was the most beautiful girl... she was tiny at birth. She grew to be just as beautiful. One evening it was maybe around seven I'm not sure. Riley was playing outside.. we were over a friends house. The Jacksons were having a bonfire and we were very close to them. They lived on a lake house ..... it was a beautiful house I always told them I wanted one just like it. Myself , Cameron and the Jacksons were inside cooking. Their two boys Curtis and Sam were outside playing with Riley . We watched them from the window, which oversaw the lake ....... everything happened so fast. I remember going to the restroom for maybe ......maybe ten minutes. I looked for Riley but she was gone....we all looked for her we heard yelling coming from the lake. We quickly ran to find the two boys pointing . My heart sank once I realized Riley had went in. Cameron dived in .....he was in maybe ten , fifteen minutes. He returned with Riley in his arms. He...... he tried to bring her back but was to late she was dead. She drowned in that lake. " Kate's eyes were filled with tears as she turned away.
"I'm so sorry Kate."
"I blamed myself for years if only I've been paying more attention."
"No it's not your fault or Cameron's accidents happen."
"I've been in this shell I've been shutting the world out for so long." Kate said. John held her hand as they sat there. Now he finally understood.

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