Joelle & Birdie loves Mommy & Daddy

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Leati Joesph Anoa'i (Roman Reigns) POV

My wife Brie is in bed because she had long day taking care of Birdie

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My wife Brie is in bed because she had long day taking care of Birdie.

Our sweet little Birdie is 9 weeks old.
She's growing up so fast also my other little girl Joelle is my sweet 9 year old is loves make Birdie smile & laugh.

I went to Birdie's nursery room and hold her as I walked to the kitchen fridge as I grab her bottle filled with Brie's breast milk as she gently sucking her bottle.

I'm grateful to be a husband to the love of my life, Brianna Garcia Anoa'i and being a father of my beautiful daughters, Joelle & Birdie Anoa'i.

I want to spend time at home because I was on the road of my WWE live shows & live events, but I need to relax and chilled at home.

When I fed Birdie, My wife came behind me and smiled as what she saw. Brie came up to me & kissed my cheek as she looked at Birdie peacefully.

I held Birdie to her as I walked up to Joelle's room. Joelle doesn't feel like to get out of her bed. I came to up but she felt under the weather.

She told me, "I don't feel good, daddy. " I felt her forehead but it felt very hot." Joelle has a fever. My poor little girl doesn't feel good.

Brianna Garcia Anoa'i (Brie Bella)  POV

I have my sweet little Birdie into my arms as my husband Roman had Joelle to put her in the living room couch

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I have my sweet little Birdie into my arms as my husband Roman had Joelle to put her in the living room couch. I came up to Joelle because she feels sick. My poor little Joelle.

Roman had Joelle in the couch for some rest as I making breakfast for my love and step daughter.

I just love my husband had Birdie & Joelle close to him. It make my heart doing backflips.

I just have the greatest husband/father ever in the whole entire world.

God has bless me.  I'm truly blessed.

When we ate breakfast, Joelle don't want to eat. She's having a fever.
I felt bad for Joelle. I hope she will be better.

After breakfast, she want to be in bed to have a long rest. My sweet husband kissed her forehead as she fell asleep.


As soon as Brie taking care of her baby Birdie as she smiled at her

As soon as Brie taking care of her baby Birdie as she smiled at her

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Brie & Birdie

Birdie feels on her mommy's arms and set her to bed.

Roman & Brie have a long day to spend time with their little girls.  Hope for Joelle get well soon.  Birdie being a cute baby.

Thank you for praying for The Anoa'i & Bella family.

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