Chapter VII

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Today was our last day in Trinidad. Man when I say enjoyed myself! If I could pack up my kids and my whole life and move it to Trinidad I would, but sadly I can't. Me and Carynn were on our way to Mama TeTe grave. Okay so lemme explain. Mama Tete is my mother's mother, which would make her my grandmother. When I was two Mama TeTe had adopted a little girl, Carynn. So she lived with me and my mom and when we left Trinidad she came with us. So Carynn is more than my bestfriend she is my sister.

Anyway Mama TeTe practically raised me and Carynn up until the day she died. When she died we had came back to Trinidad for the funeral, but it wasn't a happy moment. Before Mama TeTe died her and Carynn had gotten into this big argument two weeks before. Carynn had to basically plead TeTe for her forgiveness on her death bed. The shit was so fucking sad. Ever since then Carynn has never been able to let it go.

We walked up to the grave and kneeled. I said a prayer, dropped my rose, and backed away. Carynn was on her knees balling. She was praying and crying. I had to go pull my sister from the ground and get her back into the car. Our flight was set to leave in two hours and the airport was at least an hour away.

The whole plane ride we were silent. Carynn starred out the window and I just sat. We had retrieved our baggage and was heading outside to get into our cars. Carynn was going up to her office to get some things and I was going to get the boys.

She looked at my with her sad eyes as we hugged. "I was wrong Julie. I did TeTe so bad for nothing."

"TeTe knew you loved her. Yall just disagreed on something. Now you gotta let that go. How you gon love your own baby if you harboring bad vibes."

She uped back and grabbed her stomach. "Yes boo I have three kids. I do know what pregnant looks like."

"You not mad at me for not telling you."

I shook my head no. "Sweetie I'm your sister you don't have to tell me anything. I knew you were pregnant for maybe a month now. Just like I know you about to go see your BabyDaddy."

She smiled as we hugged and headed our separate ways. My driver took my bags as I slid into the backseat.

I was setting into a nice resting period when a familiar voice shook my spine. "you thought I wouldn't find you huh. Driver to my house please."

I looked over and connected eyes with Giovanni. How the fuck did this dude find me. I made sure I didn't leave a trail.


We pulled up to this mansion. The gates opened and the driver pulled into the circular driveway. Gio pushed me towards the door and stood in the driveway on the phone. This house was freaking amazing. I mean marble floor and everything.

Tho the house was nice I was trying to get home to my damn kids! I needed to hug and kiss my children and this dude wanna play.

He walked back into the house and started up the stairs. Like dude hello take my ass home.

I followed behind him. "Look Giovanni I need to get back to my children. We can play these childish ass games later, but as of right now I'm trying to go."

We walked into the bedroom. By the size of the bed and decorations I'm guessing it was his. He walked over to this bar and poured himself a glass of Hennessy. He sat in a chair and sipped it as he starred me down.

I threw up my hands and started walking to the door. "Juliette sit down."

I flicked him off and kept walking. As I reached for the door knob my whole body was lifted off the floor and slammed onto the bed. "HAVE A FUCKING SEAT!"

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