Chapter 17❤️

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WARNING- This chapter has a very emotional and serious incident that happens. Please don't read if you are not comfortable..

We were still driving back from Dairy Queen and Austin was still holding my hand. He slowly caressed my skin with his thumb as we headed back to my house.

I found it strange how my mom or dad haven't called me once yet today. There usually all on me wondering where I am constantly.

We now were only a couple of streets away from my house. I was about to tell austin something when I was interrupted by a piercing sound.

I quickly looked out the car window and saw that a police car, fire truck, and ambulance were speeding down the road.

The police, fire truck and ambulance all took a sharp turn on to pine street crescent. My heart began to beat fast and my face went pale realizing that they all turned down my road.

"A- Austin do you think my parents-"

"Shh Sam it's alright, take a deep breath I'm sure everything is all right"

I did what Austin said and inhaled through my nose and out through my mouth trying to calm myself.

As we continue down the street my breathing quickened and I started to get light headed. What if something happened to my parents?

We turned down my street and I instantly saw smoke. My eyes searched around to where it was coming from praying that it wasn't from my house.

Finally my eyes made contact with the smoke and I directed my gaze towards the house.

I quickly yanked my hand away from Austin and covered my mouth in shock....

My house was on fire.

I started to panic, I couldn't breath and my Vision was becoming cloudy. All I could think about was my parents. Where are they? Are they okay?

I basically jumped out of the car and Austin followed. I began running at full pace towards my now burning down home.

I was stopped and pulled back by Austin grabbing my waist.


"I can't let you get hurt, baby please"

By now tears were running down my face as I broke down.


Austin didn't say anything he just pulled me in to his arms and rocked me slowly back and forth. He rubbed my head and my back trying to calm me.

"Shhh it will be okay I'm, here"

I pulled away after and ran to the nearest police officer.

"Young lady, your not authorized to be here I'm gonna need you to leave immediately"

"No, this is my house"

"This is your house?"

"Yes sir, where are my parents are they around here some where? I need to see them right now"

The look the officer gave me made chills run down my spine. He opened his mouth but nothing come out. He sighed and signalled for me to sit down.

I slowly sat down, scared and worry on what he was about to say.

"Sweet heart, there was an unexpected fire which we assume was started by a gas leak. By the time we made it here it was to late. We couldn't get your parents out in time. I'm sorry for your lose"

Hearing those words caused me to break down in to a state iv never experienced. This can't be happening? Just like that one of the closest things in my life is gone.


My vision was blocked by my tears. I felt as if I was just punched a million times in the stomach. The idea of living without my parents is so painful.

The officer tried To reach out and grab my hand in attempt to calm me down. But I pulled away and turned around and ran as fast as I could.

I didn't get very far before I was in the pulled In to the Arms of some one. I tried to pull away not aware of who had just grabbed me.

I instantly stopped resisting when I felt a hand caress my lower back and kiss my forehead slowly. I then immediately knew it was Austin.

I sobbed in his chest as he rubbed my back and kept a strong and protective Grip around my waist. He kept kissing my head and forehead.

After I calmed down a little. I lifted my head and looked at Austin. I sniffled as he wiped away my tears from my cheeks.

He pulled me down in his lap and slowly rocked me back and forth. I nuzzled my head back in his chest.

Moments later I pulled back and looked at him.

"Austin I lost everything today. My family, house, my belongings, I have nothing"

"Sam you have me... and you always will because I'm not leaving you not know not ever. I will support you and give you everything that you need. Your my everything"

I just nodded and hugged him because I couldn't talk, the words wouldn't come out.

I couldn't deal with signing papers and talking to police officers so Austin did it all. I Took a quick glance at my burned house and realized that if I didn't have Austin I would have no one, he's all i have left.

It felt like hours passed when in reality it was only a few minuets. Austin came back to me and slowly rubbed his hand down my back. He came down to my ear and kissed it once before whispering to me.

"Come on let's go"

I didn't move I physically had no energy to get up and walk. Austin didn't say one word before he scooped me up in his arms and carried me back to the car.

He placed me in the passengers seat and buckled me up. He kissed my head and made sure I was comfy.

He got in the drivers seat and once again started driving. Austin brought his hand over to my thigh and let it linger there. He would occasionally rub it gently, soothing my whole body.

After driving for half an hour we pulled in to a hotel. Austin again carried me inside. Iv never felt so useless. Once we got checked into a room. Austin brought me over to the bed and laid me down.

He covered me in the blankets and carefully got in beside me pulling me into his chest. I cuddled in to him and he held me close.

My eyes became heavy and I craved sleep. The last thing I heard before I passed out was austin whispering in to my ear.

"Go to sleep beautiful, I love you and everything will be okay I promise"

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