Chapter 2❤️

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Sams pov

"Austin? Wait.. what... how.. why? Your here in my room and I'm Here And wow.."

"Your names Sam right?"

"Yah my names Samantha but everyone calles me Sam."

"Well Sam.. I'm glad I'm here and got to surprise you. I hope this doesn't seem weird but you have very pretty eyes."

"Awwh thank you"

I can feel the blush forming on my checks I avoid his gaze and look down.

"Hey don't look down your to beautiful to be shy"

"Austin your to sweet but I'm anything but beautiful."

Austin's Pov

Sam is perfect her eyes stand out I love how she blushes and gets embarrassed when I compliment her. I was cut Out of my thoughts by Sam replying

"Austin your to sweet but I'm anything but beautiful"

"wait what?"

"Sam your perfect your smile and eyes you seem so nice and I don't want you ever to say that your not beautiful because believe me you are. "

Sams pov

I can't believe he just said that to me, my face couldn't be redder. I could see Austin smirking from the corner of my eye he knew he made me blush and he was proud. I break the silence by asking him how he ended up in my room.?

"Well your mom is pretty close friends with Rocoo my manager so when he found out how big of a fan you are he insisted I come and surprise you when I came to Toronto. And I couldn't be any more happy to come see a girl who's extremely gorgeous"

"Wow I didn't know my mom knew Rocco and I can't believe your here, this is something I would dream about".

Austin smiled down at me and opened his arms for me and I walked in to them and his warm arms pulled me in for a long hug. After we pulled apart I couldn't help but smile, he's so sweet.

"Hey Sam wanna take some pictures"

"Yah sure "

I took out my iPhone and we took some cute selfies he then suggested that we take a picture in my full body mirror.

I just smiled and moved with him toward my mirror. I stood in front holding my phone all of a sudden I feel a pair of warm arms around my waist. I look in the mirror to see Austin holding me from behind it honestly made me so happy I just smiled.

We took some pics with him holding me, us hugging,stupid faces and he even kissed my check. I can't believe this is happing.

"Hey Sam do I follow you on twitter"

"umm no you don't follow me"

"what's your twitter Il follow you"

"um it's @SamanthaMiller"

I wasn't about to tell him about my fan account that would weird him out. He smiled and looked down at his phone. A few moments later I get a notification from twitter saying @AustinMahone has just followed me.

I smile up at him and then my phone vibrates again I look down seeing I had just been tagged in a photo. I click on it and see austin has added me in his tweet. @AustinMahone: spending the day with a great girl and it had a cute selfie of us. I smile and look down trying to hide the blush creeping on to my cheeks.

Me and Austin were spending the day together it was perfect we just talked about everything. I felt like we could tell each other everything. In the moment it feels like I have known Austin for ever, he's not Austin Mahone any more to me he's just Austin, a sweet caring boy. We were talking about his tour and how much he's loving it.

"Hey are you coming tonight to the show"

"oh no"

"wait why I want you there"

I blush and look down blocking his gaze.

"My mom couldn't get tickets"

"No worries you will come with me backstage and everything"

"Austin that's so amazing thank you"

I jump up and hug him, I end up in his lap and I didn't realize how close I was to his face. I could feel his cool breath on my lips. I quickly pulled away embarrassed and Austin laughed and asked me if I wanted go for a walk.


Austin's pov

I'm starting to fall for Sam we have been talking all day and we act like we have known each other for ever. I love acting myself in front of her. She's so beautiful and caring and her laugh is to die for. The thing that's different about her is she treats me for who I am and not my fame. I want her to be mine so bad.

"Hey Austin we can just go for a walk around the block"

"Yah sure lets go"

Were waking along the road and we see the odd neighbour but other than that we don't see many other people because I live In the country so no one lives near me expect some old people. It's good because we can just walk in peace with no Interruptions. Were just walking along the street when he breaks the silence

"So do you have a boyfriend"

I hide my smile "Nope"

"Oh okay I just um never mind"

"No Austin you can tell me anything"

He just looks at me blankly for a few seconds, he suddenly grabs my hand and caresses it with his thumb.

"Sam spending the day with you made me realize how much I need some one like you in my life. Your smile brightness the room and your beautiful and perfect in every way.I don't know how you feel about me but I think I'm falling for you and I wa"


He looks up with hope in his eyes.

"That just made my day, thank you and of coarse I feel that way about you to. You made me feel so special and I feel like iv known you for so long"

Next thing I know Austin is leaning in, I slowly lean in as well. I feel his cool breath hit my lips and I know in this moment how perfect it is. Slowly his lips touch mine and his warm lips move in perfect sync with mine. We both pull away and smile at each other.

"Sam..will you be mine?"

"Austin of coarse I will"

He pulls me in and holds my waist, I smile and look up at him.

"Do you know how long iv been waiting for a girl like you?"

I giggle "a girl like me"

"Yes like you, your perfect for me"

"Austin you could get any girl why me?"

"Because as soon as I saw you I knew I needed to have you, besides how beautiful you are your sweet and caring and you treat me like I'm a normal guy. I feel like I can tell you anything"

I smile and blush not wanting him to see I look down affording his gaze, his hands are still wrapped around my waist and he lifts my chin with his finger.

"Hey look at me"

I look up and his eyes meet mine, we both lean in and share our second kiss. I felt the butterflies and sparks.

We pull apart and begin waking again, Austin then grabs my hand and gives it a light squeeze. I look down at our hands and interlock are fingers.

"Thank you Austin"

"Huh for what?"

"For making me feel so special"


When he called me babe I smiled and butterflies erupted in my stomach.

"I should be thanking you, I haven't been this happy in a while you complete me I'm so glad your my Girlfriend"

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