Sports Day

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Wally's POV

Sports day has finally arrived and this year it's different, not only is Star City joining us, but Gotham City is . I'm so excited, 1-cause I love running and 2- cause I will be able to see Dick Grayson.

As I approach school, I can already see Gotham academy at the front doors. it took me a moment to find the ebony haired boy, but I saw him talking to a girl with ginger hair. 'Must be his friend' I thought as I saw them both laugh at something  the ginger had said. Oh how I wished I was the ginger girl, but sadly I wasn't.

As I passed though the school gates, I made my way straight to the changing room to change into my track uniform. What, running is what I'm good at so why not put it to use at school.

Dick's POV

I'm currently waiting outside Central High, talking to Barbra. She was telling me about the latest information she had gotten from her father on the dynamic duo, however I wasn't listening, as I already knew what had happened and what she was talking about didn't interest me much. I was more interested in seeing Wally.

As we walked into the school, we were separated and told to dress in the same dressing rooms as the other schools, which didn't bother me much, the thing that bothered me were my scars. Scars from my time of being a hero, so of course I had a vest on, i didnt want Wally to know it was mejust yet.

After getting changed, the schools started up the events, starting with track, after track it would be the other athletic sports, and then finally the gynastic events.

The day passed by quicker then i thought, and it was time to head home and then to the mountain. Wally had one gold in track and i had won gold in the gynastic lot, so all in all it was a great day.


Authors note:

sorry i haven't updated resently. i was on holiday for two weeks and i had school work to complete for next year. hope you enjoyed the latest chapter. :3

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