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     She stalked closer to me as I sat hopelessly tied to a chair, squirming,in only my undergarments,tears pouring down my cheeks, my arms burned from the tightness of the ropes. "Why are you doing this to me?!?!?" I screamed loudly, my voice was hoarse from exhaustion, making it quieter than I wanted it to be.
     "Why?? You ask me WHY??? YOU BITCH YOU RUINED MY LIFE!!! I TRUSTED YOU AND YOU JUST COULDN'T HELP YOURSELF COULD YOU?? THIS IS MERELY PAYBACK FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!!" She shouted, the empty room amplifying her voice. I winced at the sudden burst of noise, and pulled harshly at my restraints, the rope cutting into my skin. She stayed in the darkness, blended in with the shadows, so that I couldn't see her. I couldn't turn my head either, and flinched as an all too familiar voice came from beside me. "Welcome to Revenge" she sneered. A sharp object came in contact with my upper thigh and I screamed, adrenaline rushing through me to numb the pain. She pushed the knife in and twirled it around, ripping my flesh, and drew a flower over my skin. I kept screaming, tears streamed down my face even more, as she left it there and pulled a sharper, more jagged knife out of her pant leg. She continued this, drawing all over my skin, leaving no place untouched. She laughed maniacally, feeding off my tears and screaming. 
     "You have to listen, that wasn't me; I would never do this to you, please let me go" I rasped, my voice dry from screaming, the rope now cutting even more into my skin. I felt extremely drowsy, but ignored it and fought anyway.
     "Alright. I believe you" my best friends voice seemed quiet, to calm; something was up and I needed to stop her fast. "Y-you do?" I was scared shitless, she was definitely planning something, I just had to distract her long enough. My fingers frantically tugged and pulled at the ropes, while I kept my eyes on her as a precaution.
     "Of course, I'm sorry Winter could you ever forgive me?" Her voice was way off now. Too forgiving, too sweet and it left my brain screaming out in fear. "If you could untie me please?" I asked. "We can go to my house and talk?"
     "Of course, dear friend, my very Very dear best friend." She untied me and I rubbed my wrists harshly, as if trying to erase the pain and marks off. "Thank you, Aspen, I knew you couldn't be serious about harming me" I sighed tiredly, if we could just forget this and be friends again; forgetting this section of our lives.
     "Oh you thought that was it? That I was finished with you?" Her voice rose up a couple octaves, and I turned around to face her, frightened.
     A knife whizzed past me, nicking my arm deeply, making me gasp as blood poured out. I stared at my friend, bug eyed. "ASPEN, what have you done?" I yelled, wincing at the sight of blood again, it stung like crazy. She crept closer to the light and I screamed at the sight of her face; it was ghostly white, against her now tangled blonde locks filled with dirt. Her arm was hanging at an odd angle, and she was holding a very sharp looking butchers knife with her good arm. This wasn't Aspen. The Aspen I knew had prettiest tanned skin, and the soft honey-colored locks of hair that gleamed, making it look like gold in the sun, and was the nicest person ever, who couldn't stand the sight of blood. I guess I didn't really know my best friend.
     I shot out of my thoughts as a sharp pain in my forehead started to sting. Sticking out was the butchers knife. I grabbed the handle, pulling it out of the deep gash and dropped it to the ground, and soon my body followed, slumping and my vision went hazy. "Why Aspen?" I whispered, I almost couldn't hear myself. She looked lost, battling herself. She stepped away from me and walked over to a table I hadn't seen before. She picked up a small object and it glinted in the dim light. A gun. "No Aspen...." my voice becoming softer as the adrenaline wore down and I felt all the pain hit me like a tsunami. I groaned softly. She smiled murderously and lowered the gun to my heart, and the last thing I heard before blacking out was the sound of a shot going off.

OKAY OKAY, lol I'm not that mean

Okay yes I am

     I shot out of bed with a start, quickly checking my arms and legs, only finding faded scar marks, barely noticeable, but still there. "WAKE THE HELL UP YOU LITTLE-" I cut him off.
     "IM UP ASSHOLE" I yelled, my voice cracking slightly. I was mentally exhausted from that nightmare. I dove back into the covers and almost fell asleep again until I heard footsteps. "Go away dumbass, you're so annoying" I groaned tiredly from my pillow. "C'mon wake up its almost 6:30" I know that voice. My head shot straight up and I ran my hands through my hair as an attempt to magically untangle it. It didn't work. Peeking my head out of the covers I caught a glimpse of him. "H-hey Aiden" my voice cracking again. "What are you doing here?" I asked.
     He sat down on my unmade bed and spoke. I zoned out as he talked, completely focused on my nightmare. I had it often, and I remembered the objects digging into my skin painfully. I nodded softly, not even hearing what he was telling me; my entire being was focused on his voice. Time to get up and ready for another day of hell.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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