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Splat. There goes my lunch. All because Avery can't stop her hands from "slipping". Avery Hartsfield. Perfect hair, perfect body, perfect money and perfect parents who love her. Unfortunately, when she was young, one of her nurses must have dropped her on her head, as she has no brain or feelings for "unfortunate souls" such as myself. My brother however is one of the most popular boys in school. No he isn't a womanizer, he is single and respects himself and other girls around him. He's best friends with Aiden. My crush.
    "Watch it freak", Avery spits before sashaying away, her ass showing as she's wearing something that a naked cat would wear. Nothing. As usual, her minions follow close behind after sneering in my direction. Except I wish Avery would be one of those girls. But she's very pretty, has flawless makeup, and amazing fashion taste. I have little curves, no makeup except for some pomegranate lip balm, and horrid fashion taste. My outfit consists of a t-shirt and overalls. With pigtails. I'm a kid at heart. Just ask Andrew, my dear bother.
I quietly clean up my lunch and leave the cafeteria, heading to my next class, and one of my favorites, Social Studies. After greeting the teacher, I sit at my assigned desk. Yeah, I know, we still have assigned desks like in middle school.
   Soon, the bell rings and people randomly start to pile in and take their seats. The seat next to me is empty. I sigh, happy that he's not here, yet disappointed because I won't be able to glance at him during class. I know. The school nerd is lovestruck. Complete and utterly lovestruck. Sickening, really.
My head snaps back into reality as a door slams shut. I peek up through my dark, chocolate locks, and see him. He hurriedly greets the teacher, hands her a slip of paper and sit in the seat next to me. I mentally groan. I'm too tired to care right now. I was up all night working on my special project, and didn't arrive home until 10:34. After finishing my homework and showering, it was past 12, but I washed the dishes and chose my outfit for tomorrow. I was restless all night, tossing and turning, just thinking about him. "You know, a picture lasts longer" someone teases. I blink rapidly, falling out of my trance, and glared at him. "Oh shush, I've seen much better" I tease quietly. Aiden laughs. "Yeah right. What have you seen?" He taunts playfully.
A voice cuts through our conversation instantly shushing us. "Mr. Carter, is there something you would like to address?" I froze, staring at Ms. Calenburg. "Actually, yes" Aiden frowns, as I mentally swoon. Did I just...? I need a doctor.
Aiden answers the question with the words of a poet, and I scowl as Aiden flashes a bright smile, making other girls swoon loudly. Aiden 1, Rose 0.
   I just need to last 3 more hours. Almost there. You can do this Rosey Rose. I groaned not so quietly and mentally banged my head against the desk. 3 more hours.

Hey guys, it's Kenzie and I am writing this new book called lovestruck. I am more advanced in writing than I was before and am going to try another book, because the first one was a flop. Comment what you think pls.
-XOXOXOXO Kenxie 😘

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