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   "Higher Winter!" Coach Angelia shouts above the din and clatter of the rink. Hockey players, and private lessons on either side of the rink playing scratchy violin music, or soulful old songs that only my grandmother would know. Either that or those cringey pop songs that kids love now a-days. I personally enjoyed some of them but others are too ugghh. I skate to a stop, right before I slam into a wall again. I charge forward gaining speed before leaping high, higher; my fingertips poised and gliding through the air like a knife, cutting at the air with its blade. My legs stretching out into an air split. I twist my body, and descend not so gracefully. My foot lands and I spiral backwards into a circle.
   "Perfect. Absolutely perfect. Poised, pointed and perfect." My teacher nods in approval. Sighing, I bob my head along to imaginary music as my skating teacher rattles on and on about the next moves in my routine. No, I'm not a dancer. I am an ice skater. Not Olympic-worthy, but I'm getting there. My next competition is in two months, yet my coach is making me practice now. During early winter. During my birthday month.
   "Winter!" Angelia screeches. "Are you even listening!?" I snap out of my daze and refocus. "Wha...?"
   "I said are you listening" , the she-devil thunders. "Yes ma'm. Uh.... what exactly did you say?"comes a meekly answer. She groans. As much as I love Angelia, she can be very... loud, rambunctious, and let's see.... crazy. Like full out crazy. "I'm going to take a break for 15 minutes. When I get back you better have you scratch, sit and camel spins perfected, yes? And let's throw in 50 squats later for not listening." Coach then proceeds to try and be cool, as she flips her hair before skating away to flirt with the coach she has her eyes on, Evan.
   I close my eyes for a brief moment, gathering my thoughts and fixing my hair before focusing on my sit spin, knowing that my scratch spin is close to perfection. After turning into the spin, I count the revolutions I have done all while sitting. Twenty-two revolutions. Not bad, one of my best so far. But every skater has their flaws, and mine is with my toe pick. I try to stand back up, almost falling over and face plant. Wall-47, Winter-2.
   By the time I have perfected my camel spin, it's time for the hockey skaters. I skate off, and grab my guards and bag to change and go home. Time for homework. And those squats.
   "65, 66, 87...." I mutter under my breath. Yep, you guessed it. I tried to sneak out to escape my punishment, but coach caught me and now I'm stuck doing 105 squats.
   "Someone skipped grade school." Someone snickers. "Yeah, probably you" I retort continuing my exercise. I look up, and find myself staring into piercing blue eyes. Aiden.
Shit, he's going to hate me now! I mentally whined inside my head. But he just laughed. Full out laughing at me as I glared right back at him until he became uncomfortable and stopped, rubbing the back of his neck.
   "So, uh hi" he scrunched up his nose, and I almost squealed from how cute it was. I raised an eyebrow "You needed something?"
He shook his head, sending small drops of sweat flying in every direction. I almost passed out as his hair swished back and forth, landing right back in its original position. I imagined myself pulling his hair softly as our lips intertwined, our limbs tangling together; my arms around his neck and hair, his strong hands supporting wrapped around my wiry frame.
   I blushed from the very dirty thoughts admitting inside my head, as a snap of fingers pulled me from my daydream. "Hello, Winter? Are you okay?" He asked genuinely concerned. My heart fluttered, and I refrained from touching him. He actually cared about my well being.
   I checked my Apple Watch on my wrist, avoiding his gaze. "Oh shit, I'm late for dinner! Bye!" I ran out flustered, not bothering to look back, for if I had I would have seen him looking at me with complete adoration as I opened my purse searching for the car keys. Plopping my bag onto the passenger seat, I inserted the keys and my beautiful new Bentley purred to life, and I sped home all while thinking about him.

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