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  HeBeom started off by telling the first couple of people that couldn't dance each properly to leave. He tried to sugar coat it, told them that they weren't the best and said to have a nice day.

There are 7 of us now and I sit against the wall, anxiously looking around before my eyes land on Chase and Mya, who are both looking at Mya's phone, smiling.

"Everyone, we will now take a short break, then I will assign everyone a song to sing, solo. You may go outside or bathroom, or get some water, but be back in here in 20 minutes, understand?" He says to us, receiving scattered "yes sir/hyung"s.

HeBeom leaves the room and I head over to Mya and Chase, "where's dad?" I ask before picking up my bag, reaching in for the extra clothes to change into since it seems we won't be dancing anymore today.

Chase looked at me and pressed his lips together, then looked at Mya.

"Dad had some kind of emergency and Chase had to drive him to work while you were dancing..."

I'm not even surprised that he had to Leave, I'm honestly more surprised that I didn't notice when they left.

Chase nods when Mya gets done talking, standing up, "and Mya took a video of your dancing. You did amazing baby boy." He hugs me and I punch him playfully.

"I'm just a year younger, stop calling me baby boy," I say chuckling.

"But you like it," Chase says before adding a wink.

I feel tempted to play along and call him daddy but, "Chase, we're in public and there is a child present."

Chase's smile widens, "she's too young to understand."

Mya pretends to be offended and hits both of us in the shoulder.

Chase laughs and pats Mya on the head, "we're kidding, shortie."

"Excuse me, I'm 6'2" Mya puts her hand on her waist and Chase and I raise an eyebrow.

"Whatever you say giant"

I laugh and also pull my water bottle out, which was empty. Chase chuckles and steps away, "wow Myra, why'd you drink his water?"

I shake my head, "Chase, no need to lie, and it's fine, I have to go out and change anyway." I hold up the clothes, black torn jeans and a flannel, before walking out, taking my empty bottle with me.

I see someone bent over at the water fountain in front of the boys restroom and once I get closer, I notice it's Yoongi. He continued to drink until he saw me walking toward the restroom. He made a disgusted face, standing straight and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand before turning to walk away.

Going in, I sigh at the empty bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, fixing my messy hair and rinsing my face with cold water before going into a stall to get changed.

I go to fill my bottle up at the water fountain and see one of the 2 other remaining men from the dancing part of today's auditions staring at me. He pursed his lips when I glanced over and I turned my attention back to my water bottle.

He knows something...

Stepping back into the room, I notice that people have started to go back into the room and we have 3 minutes left until HeBeom gets here.

The other 6 guys, stood, clearing their throats, humming, vocal exercises, getting ready to sing. I put my sweaty clothes  down and drink my water before putting that down as well. Chase gives me a thumbs up and Mya copies him, smiling.

HeBeom walks in with tiny slips of paper, walking to each of us with them facing down, telling us to pick one. I was last to choose.

"Each sing has singing parts and rapping parts to see which you are better at. If you aren't all that great at singing, that's okay as long as you can rap, and vice versa." He says and gestures for each of us to look at our papers.

Some people look down at their papers and give a confused look, obviously they don't know it.

I guess I'm lucky, I got "Error" by VIXX. I don't really listen to VIXX, but at least I know error, not much rapping, but I can sing and rap all the parts.

"If you don't know the song, you can look it up, or trade with someone else. We will start with people who know their song, the others, sit by the wall." HeBeom says and 3 guys sit by the wall, looking at their phones.

The other 3 continued to stand with me in the center of the room, awaiting instructions. HeBeom points at the person to my right, "you're the oldest, sing your song first" he said and the man nodded, smirking.

He steps forward and rest of us step back while he begins to sing a familiar tune.

He finished singing the song. He did pretty good until he had to rap, he obviously can't rap all that well.

HeBeom nods and motioned over to the opposite side of the room.

The next person goes and I realize the guy from earlier was staring again, making me uncomfortable.

Looking away, I focus on listening to the current person, he can't sing or rap and I begin to question just how he's still here.

I definitely have no room to talk.

He finishes and HeBeom shakes his head, trying to display a sad face but it's obvious he didn't like it either.

The man hangs his head in shame and leaves, taking his bag with him as he leaves.

I feel bad and look down as well before it's the next guy's turn, who sings "just right" by Got7.

He did the best out of those that already went and suddenly before I know it, it's my turn.

I take a deep breath and step forward anxiously.

Let's do this.

Sorry if this was short I suck

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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