Chapter 17

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~Naruto's pov~

Kakashi is currently out giving my teammates the bell test. Again. I am already a gennin. Kuro is here with me too. He is a ninja pet. He does not have to do the test. Yuki already went to the academy. Kuro and I are out taking a walk, or should I say, racing. Kuro is working on running faster, while I, am working on my stamina. We like to best each other, if you could not tell. Kurama is  running after us trying to get us to go faster. Tho I am almost as fast as him. Kuro is a bit slower than me, tho.

As we are running, I saw Masahiro walking down the street. I decided I would stop and say hi. I slow down to a stop next to him, while Kuro and Kurama almost ran into me from behind. "'Ello Masahiro-san!" I greeted him. "Oh, hello, gaki!" He responded. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Well, I was going to buy some more ninja tools, Naru-chan." Masahiro replied. "So, what are you three doing out here?" This time Kuro answered, "We were training in speed and stamina." Masahiro nodded his head in return. "Well we better get going. Kaka-nii will be back soon. Come over and visit sometime, alright. " Kurama said. We said our goodbyes and raced back home. I beat Kurama by a hair, while Kuro took a little long to arrive. When we went in, I saw Kakashi already home. "How did the test go?" Kurama asked. "They passed." Kakashi replied. "That's nice." I said.

I went upstairs to take a shower. After I took my clothes off and undid my henge, I noticed that I have two tails now. I decided to ask Kurama about that after my shower. When I was done, I found Kurama sitting on the couch with Kuro, Kakashi, and Yuki, who apparently just came home or something, watching the television. I walked in between them and the TV, my two tails swaying behind me. "Move Na-Oh. I see you have gotten tail no. two." Kurama said. I glared at him. "And why do I have two tails?" I asked, clearly annoyed. "Well, you see, as you get older and stronger, you get another tail, until you have nine." Kurama answered me. "You said one." I responded, still glaring at him. "Well, ya see, it was going to happen anyway. If I won the bet, or lost. Or in our case, tied." He replied a bit sheepishly. I sighed as I finally dropped my glare. "You should have gave me a heads up." I said to him, still a bit pissed off.

Before he or anyone else could say anything, I went to Kuro and my room. I took out my book and started writing. Yes I am writing a book. Got a problem with that?!

I started this book last month. I also wrote many books before. I publish them under a fake name so no one would know I write them. Ya, no one knows. Not even Kurama. My books are doing really well on the market. I don't think they would be doing so well if people knew I was the one writing them tho. The one I am making now is about a group of kids that grew up on the wrong side of town, but always sticks together threw thick and thin. I still have not named it yet tho. My ears twitch. I knew that was ether Kuro or Kurama, so I quickly hid the book under my mattress. I lay in my bed pretending to read a book about ancient cities when the door opened. "Sorry I didn't tell you, Kit..." Kurama said looking down. I sighed and put my book down. I then proceeded to walk over to him and say, "It's alright, Kurama." He looked up at me with saddened eyes.

I gave him a soft smile, a real smile. Then, he beamed. He then proceeded to give me a bear hug. "C-can't..... br-breath......" I managed to choke out. He quickly released me and proceeded apologize. I sighed once again. "How 'bout we go make dinner, yeah?" He nodded his head. We then went downstairs into the kitchen, where we found Kuro and Yuki talking. "So, what are we making for dinner?" I asked. "Spaghetti!" Yuki exclaimed. Kurama chuckled a bit at that.

While we were at the table, Kakashi told us how Kuro and my team did with the bell test he gave them. (It was the same in the anime, only Kouki instead of Naruto) "I see Kouki was holding back." I said. "Yeah, I guess he was..." Kakashi said. You see, I made my mask based off Kouki's personality when we were younger. I just exaggerated a few things, like, the short temper. Kouki's temper is far from short. After everyone was done eating, Kurama went back to my mind to sleep, which, by the way, I turned into a clearing in a forest. The others just went to bed after I said I was going to clean up.

After I was done, I made sure everyone, especially Kurama was asleep. I suck into Kuro and my room, and got my book i was writing. I then went to the study and continued writing it. When I would finish a book, I would type it while looking for spelling errors. Before I went to bed, that early morning, I checked how my books wore doing. It seems that they have been doing extremely well! Especially those that are more on the sad tip or my adventure books. I smiled a small smile before putting everything away, then going back to my room to stare at the ceiling until I fall asleep. 

'Ello, guys! Thanks for reading this chapter, I hope you liked it! More on the way. If you have any ideas, let me know in the comments, okay? Anyway until next time, bye!

Word Count: 1000

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