Did that really just happen

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When we pulled up to Great America, there was a ton of people here.. im guessing that this concert must be huge here.. maybe one of those "Kick off the Summer" concert ? Well guess im about to find out.

As we wait in line Marissa was on her phone the whole time and i was scoping the place out, i saw a bunch of shirts with "Kalin and Myles" on them, and one i took extremely interesting, one of the boys looked like the guy i mett at the airport with, well didnt really meet.. but made eye contact with, right when i was about to ask Marissa who that was on that young girls shirt, i got snatched away by Marissa.

"OUCH! What was that for?" I asked

"Well, were about to get in and you were sitting there like a snail, so i moved you," Marissa explained.

As we walked in, i recognized a few of the rides, and the shops. But Marissa kept pulling me along, I was really curious where we were going but i just kept following her because to be honest i had no clue where i was, once we reached a stage Marissa pulled out two tickets and two backstage passes.

"We have two admission, first row and two backstage passes to meet all of the performances," Marissa told the security guard.

"Alright, backstage is right there, go down the hall and to the left, you cant get lost theres many guards down there. Have fun!" the security guard said.

As Marissa and I walked through the hallway i saw the stars on some doors, we walked by Tion Phipps and Ariana Grande's rooms, as we reached the backstage, a security guard let us in to meet OH MY GOD THATS ARIANA GRANDE.

"Hey guys! Im Ariana! Whats your name," Ariana Asked.

I couldnt even reply... or move, so Marissa introduced me.

"Im Marissa, this is my best friend her names Katrina, shes a huge fan!

"Aww! Nice to meet you Katrina, you seem really nice and im really glad i got to meet you! But i have to go do voice checking, so ill see you guys after the show! HAVE FUN!" Ariana yelled as she was being pulled away.

Marissa looked at me with the biggest eyes i have ever seen in my life, or on her. I gave her a "Whats wrong with you" face, she pointed at the line that said "Kalin and Myles" she walked really slowly to that line, and we both peaked over to see two young men, talking with another guy, and when i looked i noticed the same guy that i saw on the young girls shirt.. the same guy i saw in the airport, except he was wearing a different outfit. Marissa pulled me back and looked at me with cautious eyes,

" Those two guys in there, are the love of my lifes, actually only one of them, the short one with the big head and big butt, his name is Myles and he makes me so happy. Were about to meet them, now sence i talked for you, you talk for me."

"Wait wha-" i couldnt finish my sentance without being dragged into the room.

As i got pushed into the room, the shorter one came up to Marissa and I.

"Hey guys im Myles" the shorter one by the name of Myles says.

"Hi! Im Katrina, this is my bestie her names Marissa, shes such a big fan she doesnt know what to say right now!" I explained to Myles.

As Myles was laughing, the tall one came up to us...

"Hey im Kalin, didnt i see you at the airport?" Kalin says.

"Yeah! i thought i noticed you! Im Katrina, this is Marissa," I said.

"Nice to meet you Katrina." He said as he took my hand and kissed it.

Boy did that give me butterflies, hes so cute and handsome and oh my, him performing here, must mean that he can sing, holy heart eyes.

"Haha, Kalins over here flirting while we have to go do voice check! I think the concert is going to start soon, you can meet up with us after if you want! Here ill give you my number, and maybe we can meet up after!" Myles offers.

"of course id love that," Marissa finally says.

As i walk away with Marissa i turned around, and Kalin was smiling at me.... oh my lord.... lets see what happens here...

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