Chapter 17 - The Journey home

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I heard mumbling next to me, well more like shouts but I couldn't be bovered to listen to what they were saying. I opened my eyes, only to squint them shut again because of the blight light seeping through the windows of the train.

"Ally, you need to get up, our stop is next" Ellie spoke softly.

"Have I been asleep the whole journey?" I asked. I couldn't remember what had happened.She nodded. "I had this wierd dream that we went to see The Wanted in concert and I was crying and Tom gave me his number and we were hanging round with them. It was wierd. In a good way." I shrugged and looked at her. "What?"

"That wasn't a dream babe" She replied. My mouth fell open. So that all atcually happened.My thoughts were interupted as Ellie spoke.

"What happened at the train station? You were happy one minuite and the next it looked like your heart had been ripped out and was trodden on in front of you"

"That's exactly what happened" I mumbled under my breath.


"It dosen't matter. Look here's our stop" I said, and junped up. I was trying to avoid telling her what had happened, she would proberly tell me something like 'are you sure it happened like that' or 'What would you expect, Tom's a player'. The thing is though, it felt different when he was with me. He didn't act like he did When he was around other people, he treated me differently when we were alone. Like I was special, like we were the only two peiple left on the planet.

We got off the train and my mum was there to pick us up. The drive home was uncomfortable. Ellie was telling my my all about meeting the boys, abd spending the day with them earlier. When she asked me questions, I just gave her one or two word answers, not reallywanting to go into details of what happened between me and Tom. Before I knew it, we were at Ellie's house. As soon as she was out of the car, my mum started questioning me.

"So, were they nice? What were they like in real life? Did you have a good time?" These questions kept on coming, with me answering none of them.

"I bet Tom looked fit up close. That boy is fine!" Mum said.

"MUM! That's duscusting" I said blushing. This started all the memories of what happened at the staion as we were leaving Birmingham.

When we got home, I webt straight to my room and cryed. Sounds stupid right? But that's what I did. For 2 hours straight. I must have fell asleep because my alarm went off. I opened my eyes just enough to see the time. Great. A day at school with people asking me what the concert was like and Ellie talking about hanging with the boys.

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