•Nikki's point of view•
Wow the first day of summer and I'm being woken up by my phone ringing! I check my clock. What the hell it's barely noon! I answer my phone with a sleepy "Hello?"
"NIKKI WAKE UP WERE GOING OUT!" May yelled into the phone
"MAY SHUT THE FUCK UP!! ITS BARELY NOON!!" I screamed back into the phone
"Psh barely noon? Nikki it's noon we're going to the mall so get your ass out of bed and get ready meet us there in 45 minutes! Bye."
"K bye." I replied before hanging up. So I undress out of my pjs and hop in the shower. I quickly wash my hair and body and shave my legs and underarms so I'm all nice and smooth. When I'm done I dry my hair and then put on some floral shorts with a pink top. Then I go into my bathroom and blow dry the rest of my hair then straighten it. I check my phone and it's 12:30. Wow that's a new record I think to myself. As I'm leaving my room I talk to my mom "mom I'm going it with the girls to the mall right now."
"Umm no you're not. " She sassily replied
"Why not?" I asked her
"Uh because you didn't clean your room."
What the fuck I thought "mom my room is clean" I told her
"Oh ok then have fun" she said in a very basic voice
I grab my keys and walk out the door thinking what's her problem. As I'm driving to the mall I have the radio on and Story of My Life comes on so of course I'm going to roll down my windows and blast it. What can I say I love One Direction! As I'm pulling into this amazing parking spot that is close to the entrance the ones you never get some jackass decides to take it from me! So I simply cussed them out in Spanish "Chinga tu coño!!" Damn I hate when people do that! So I drive around for 15 minutes looking for a parking then finally found one in the back. I was pissed off!! I finally meet my friends by Panda Express.
"What the fuck took you so long?" Nala asked me
"This dumb bitch took my fucking parking spot the best one too!" I replied
"Damn that sucks." Alana says
"Yeah anyways let's go shopping for summer clothes!" I said I honestly love going shopping for summer clothes and any kind of clothes really.
So as we were walking towards Holister guess who decides to show up Bo, Joey, Landon, and Andrew decide to show up. So I like Andrew and Alana likes Landon. Kinda cliché yeah maybe a little but hey you find one guy in a group cute then your friends discover the rest.
So Joey comes up to Nala and puts his arm around her and says "Hey baby how are you today?" and the rest of us are just like oh crap shits going down!
He quickly removed his arm from around her and put it back at his side. So then he has the balls to say something back "come on don't be like that let's go hang out just me and you"
She said "yeah when I'm fucking dead!" So as they were arguing I walked up to the railing and leaned against it just watching them and occasionally on my phone. So Andrew comes up to me "Hey they're pretty crazy huh?"
"Yeah they are" I respond getting shouts of "fuck yous" and "you have no balls" and "stop being a fucking pussy!" Damn I wonder what's going on! It's getting pretty heated.
"You know we should just ditch them two." he suggested
"Yeah that's an amazing idea!" I told him man he was so freaking hot short blonde hair with the bluest eyes you will ever see like your looking into the ocean it's amazing. And the best of all tattoos on his forearms it says "family" on the left one and "first" on the right. To be honest it was really hot.
So Andrew, Landon, Bo, May, Alana, and I just walked off with out them noticing. When I realized we were walking in the opposite direction of Hollister I immediately spoke up and said "Guys we need to go to Hollister I need a new bikini and clothes!"
Then May said " that's right we were going there in the first place then these guys distracted us!" the guys earning a evil glare from May
As we started walking back Alana and May started talking then Landon and Bo started talking. So that kinda left me and Andrew by ourselves. So I noticed Andrew started walking really close to me and he put his arm around me and I looked up at him and he just smiled. All I could think was what the fuck is going on?
He leaned in and spoke softly in a tone that only he and I could hear "I would love to see you in a bikini babe"
I playfully shoved his arm off of me and said "shut up goof ball"
•Andrew's point of view•
Wow I really like Nikki and I don't know how to tell her. After she shoved my arm off of her I just casually put my arm around her waist and smiled down at her; she stretched her arm out and put her hand in my left back pocket, which I thought was a perfect spot for her. It sounds creepy but whatever I don't care. As we were walking to Hollister I would occasionally pinch her side just to hear her cute laugh. Man she is perfect in every single way possible. I really hope she can be mine one day.
A/N: boom there's another chapter I hope you enjoyed it. Please vote that's all I ask of you.
And have an amazing day my little camels!! 🐪
P.s. I have a weird obsession with camels like it's really weird. O.o
-Mikhaila <3

This Summer
Teen FictionFour best friends are ready for the summer of a life time but will four obnoxious boys come and ruin it or will they have a summer filled with love and romance?