•Nikki's Point Of View•
Well let's just say when we got to the hotel rooms our room we didn't stay we went out and went clubbing.
Just kidding we went out though and bought a whole bunch of junk food and turned up with junk and soda. So now we have really bad tummy aches.
"Aghh" I groaned "my tummy hurts soo much"
"Well maybe it wouldn't if you didn't eat a whole bag of powdered donuts in under 3 minutes" Andrew said while comfortably rubbing my lower back in bed.
"Hey I only did that because you dared me to"
"Triple dog dared actually" Alana corrected me. Then someone started banging on the door.
"Make them stop before I fucking kill them!!" I screamed angrily while holding my head.
"It's ok baby Landon is getting the door" Andrew told me
"You know we can't keep doing this" I told him
"Doing what?"
"Acting like we're in a relationship when we probably don't even know each other's middle names"
"Oh but I actually do know you-
She was right the entire room was a mess with wrappers and can and bottles everywhere. And a red Kool-Aid stain from where Alana and I were having a contest as to who could drink it the fastest Andrew ended up making me laugh and I spit it everywhere.
"Ok let's do something fun like a contest" Alana suggested
"Yeah but what? We're not creative at all." I told her
"You guys can have a Kool-Aid contest!!" Andrew said excitedly "we have everything thing to make it. We can use water bottles instead of pitchers"
"That's a good idea babe" I told him
Alana and I got the things we needed for it and used the flavor packets that were fruit punch.
"So when I count to three you guys are going to chug it and see who finishes first. Got it?" Landon spoke while we while nodded our heads in agreement "ok one... Two... THREE!!!"
As I started chugging Alana was ahead of me then Andrew came up behind me and started tickling me so I spit the red Kool-Aid everywhere while Alana, Landon, and Andrew were laughing their asses off.
"Guys that wasn't funny!! This is going to leave a huge stain!" I told them all
"Oh well it's not like they're going to be able to find us when we leave." Alana said
"Ok but we have to at least try to get it out." I said
So we grabbed some soap and towels from the bathroom and water and started scrubbing but all it did was smear it every where.
"Ok whatever we tried. What kind of chips do we have?" Andrew asked
"Why don't you look in the bags? Dumbass." Landon said. We stared laughing more than we should have well mainly me I almost pissed my pants and it wasn't even funny.
"Hardy har har! Now shut the fuck up!" Andrew said getting heated pretty easy
"Damn you look pretty hot when your mad Andrew." I truthfully told him with no shame at all.
"Thanks" he said with no emotion in his voice at all
So as we were eating junk food and drinking soda we had a grand time just having fun and laughing and telling stupid jokes. If anybody heard our conversations we'd probably be thrown in a crazy house. But we didn't care we just wanted to have fun and make the most of our summer!

This Summer
Novela JuvenilFour best friends are ready for the summer of a life time but will four obnoxious boys come and ruin it or will they have a summer filled with love and romance?