Chapter 20

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Ryan's POV

The next time that we were studying together Tyler was a bit quieter than usual. We got through his maths work in the same amount of time we usually did but he wasn't talking much.

Usually as he worked we would talk about anything but today he was silent. I didn't want to push him and I was fine working in silence. He worked through the exercises and I worked on my own homework.

"Can you check my answers?" he asked.

It was the first time he had spoken since he arrived so I was slightly surprised. I nodded so he handed me his book and I started to read them.

"It all looks good," I said.

He nodded and closed his maths book and swapped it for one of this other books and started doing work for another class. I didn't say anything to him and we both continued to work in silence. I did manage to get a lot of work done and at last I shut my laptop.

"Do you want to do more tutoring tomorrow?" I asked.

"I guess so," he said softly.

I nodded and he packed up. I thought about asking him if he was alright but I realised he was probably just tired after the game yesterday so I didn't end up saying anything.

I started to pack up my own stuff and by the time that I looked up again Tyler had disappeared. I swung my bag over my shoulder and joined the rest of my friends. I slide into the seat beside Jordan and smiled at them.

"How was tutoring?" Jordan asked.

"Good, I've got most of my homework done as well," I said.

Drew and Morgan had both already given up on their homework and we started talking about other things as Jordan worked. After about ten minutes he gave up as well because we were too distracting.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Drew asked.

"We can all come around my house if you want. No one is going to home for a while now that Dan has left again," I said.

My three friends nodded and we quickly packed up before leaving together. All three of my friends have been around to my house hundreds of times so they knew where to go. Once we got there I unlocked the door and we headed up into my room.

I collapsed on the bed and my friends all chose different places around the room to sit.

"I'm so ready for Winter Break," Drew complained.

"Same, I'm exhausted with school," Jordan added.

"I'm just not ready for next year," Morgan said.

"Neither am I," I added.

Jordan glanced at me. I never told him about my freak out that I had about college a couple of days ago. I think that he might have realised something had happened but I wasn't going to tell him. I didn't want him to be more worried about me.

"What's everyone thinking of doing next year?" Morgan asked.

"I have no clue," I complained.

None of my friends really had any clue what they wanted to do next year but it was freaking it out me the most. I guess that that is just me though.

We talked for a bit longer before we all got hungry and headed downstairs to raid my fridge. Mom had recently made a mountain of lasagne so I stuck that in the oven and we sat at the table to wait. The guys didn't hang around much longer after we ate because they all had to get home so I grabbed my laptop and settled on the couch.

I ended up Skyping Jason because I haven't talked to him in a while and I wanted someone to talk to. I had looked up his schedule and I knew that he was at home so he would hopefully answer which he did.

"Hey, Ryan, I haven't talked to you for a while," Jason said.

"Well you haven't called," I told him.

"Neither have you," he teased.

I laughed and I had to agree with him.

"What's new with you?" I asked.

I listened to him talk about his team and a girl that he had recently started talking to and his friends in Boston.

"What about you?" he asked me.

I talked to him a little bit about school and my friends before he interrupted me.

"Tell me about Tyler," he said.

"How do you know about Tyler?" I groaned.

"Jamie told me about him and then Dan mentioned him again recently," he smirked.

I groaned again and rested my head in my hands.

"What do you want to know?" I moaned.


I started talking about how we met and our studying together and as I talked I could see Jason smile more and more on the screen.

"You are totally gone for this guy," he smirked.

I nodded slightly and stretched out more on the couch. We finally moved away from talking about Tyler and onto other things. I missed the times when all three of my brothers were at home and we would all have fun together despite the age differences.

They would usually come home over summer once the season is done but it is only for a couple of months until they have to go back. Jason had to go and do something else so he hung up a few minutes later leaving me still thinking.

In a few months it would just be Mom and Dad here. I don't know exactly where I'm going to go but it's not going to be here. It seems weird to think about living somewhere else. I still hadn't got used to being the only one of the Moore siblings left her.

I didn't stay up much longer because my thoughts were slightly depressing and were scaring me. As I changed for bed my thoughts cycled back to Tyler.

Our usual tutoring was louder it was easy to talk to him but today was weird. I hope that it isn't the same tomorrow because it felt unnatural.


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The Wise One

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