Chapter 5

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It was when we were six. I knew of Olivia and Maggie but never really "interacted" with them. The trio. It was fun! It was ballet and I can't remember the song because I was FOUR for goodness sakes! We had to choreograph it on our own. Maggie was really shy but still could communicate her amazing ideas. Olivia seemed really into Maggie. I could tell she liked her as much as I already did in the matter of those two seconds. Olivia kept telling me to shut up. But, after a while she started to talk to me but, she was still annoyed! She started calling me blabber cakes after that. When we got into the groups I liked the girls and I could tell they were gonna be my best friends growing up right by my side. We ended up going to three different schools. But, because of dance how much we dance we see each other a lot. I see them more than my school friends. But, of course, no one can replace them no matter what happens.

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