Chapter 10

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I was always annoyed by Britney, but that year I had to concentrate on competition. I did a jazz dance, a tap, a ballet, and a solo. I was really excited for the competition. It was my first solo! I was mad that Britney got a solo too. She isn't even that good! But I realized I can't change the fact she was doing a solo. If she didn't do good she will find out soon enough.

Competition day! I was really excited! There was so many people! It was terrifying and exhilarating! First up was ballet. I wasn't nervous for it. When I got off stage I felt good. But I knew I could have done better. Then we had jazz. It was way better than ballet! Tap was also amazing! But I did stumble because the floor was so slippery! Then at last I had my solo. I went out there and had a blast. I wasn't concentrating on how nervous I was. I just realized how much fun it is to dance! I moved big and danced my hardest. I will never forget the feeling of accomplishment after I got off stage

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