Chapter 4 - New Discoveries

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Marco's PoV

I know I broke up with Jackie, but today was still the most miserable I've been in years. I feel like I'm about to be at rock bottom. I wanted everything to work out so badly when Star left, I thought I could handle it. Clearly I'm wrong, because three years later my life is crashing down.

After I get home from a long day at school, I immediately lay down in my room. I want nothing to do with anything right now, but I guess destiny had different plans. My vision fades to black and I'm the void that the mysterious voice had contacted me in before. "Hello? Do I have to be here because I really don't want to be!" I yell out, desperately craving an answer. Actually, I needed to talk to you. "Ok, well you got me here, what do you want with me?" I'm not going to sugar coat things, this is a pretty shitty situation. "Can you just spit it out? I'm trying to sleep right now." Toffee has returned. "What do you mean? How did you not see this coming! Why didn't you tell me before!" That's the thing! In every conceivable universe he wasn't alive! I don't know how but he must've somehow avoided my vision for years! The thing is, I can't tell what's real and what isn't anymore! "What the... What do you mean?" I mean, it's gotten a lot more difficult to tell reality from fiction. He must be using The Crystal... No, I would be able to see it... But if not The Crystal, then what? "You're going off-topic! What do I do about it? Isn't that why you're here, to tell me what to do?" Of Course, right. That's sorta the thing, I don't know what to do just yet. I just figured it was best if you knew Toffee was alive. "Wait, how do you know? You said he's been avoiding every timeline. If so, how can you see him? Actually, I haven't. But, in this current timeline, Moon has seen him. "Star's mom, Moon?" Yea, she told her today. The problem now being she might come here for your help and I don't know how things will play out now. I can't be sure about anything I see anymore. "So... Toffee's back, and Star is coming back soon?" That pretty much sums it up. Look, I got some more digging to do so, just be careful I guess. I awake in my bed quickly, feeling almost like what I saw may have been some sick dream. Yet, part of me knows that it was real. Now I have some thinking to do though, I'm going to see Star again... I thought I would feel incredible, like my world would somehow piece back together with her return. However, I feel... The same. I feel like nothing is changing, like nothing important is happening at all.

Star's PoV

"Do we have a plan? Or anything at all?" I anxiously ask. "Star... You know how powerful Toffee is. No wonder Eclipsa didn't fight back! She knew this was coming! What if..." My mom paces back and forth, shaking her head while covering her mouth, like she's trying to get whatever sick thought that's in her head out. "What if Toffee and Aero aren't the only ones back... What if Eclipsa has returned too." My mom says calmly, hoping I won't freak out upon hearing this. "There's no way, I mean, she was RIGHT in the blast! She has to be dead." My mom doesn't believe what I'm saying. "No, no no, this makes sense! Think about it, why would she let herself die?" My mom makes a good point. "You're right, I know you're right, I'm just hoping for the best! I mean, I thought we finished this years ago! Aero was gone for so long I forgot about him!" I can easily tell my mom is uneasy thinking about the monster who killed her husband... Who killed my dad... "Mom, I miss him too..." She turns, fading away from me. Her hand raised to her face, and I can only assume she's wiping away tears. "I know Star... But right now we can't think about that. Is there anyone you can talk to, anyone that can help us?" I know what she's implying. "Absolutely not!" I yell. "Star we may not have a choice!" I get frustrated and clench my fists. "Yes we do! That's MY call to make, not yours! I'm not dragging him into this mess mom, it could kill him!" She shakes her head in disapproval. "You're right, this is your decision to make." She begins to walk out, but stops and turns before leaving. "We don't have to bring him into this, but I hope you know what's at stake here." My mom walks out and my mind is boggled. I have a lot to think about now...

Marco's PoV

I wake up, again, in the same dark place. Marco! Whoever this is, why are they contacting me? I want to know so badly. "I'm done listening until you give me a name! Who are you? Tell me why you're helping me!" Fine. I'll give you a name. You can call me Celeste. And I'm helping you because that's what I was assigned to do. Now... "Hold on, assigned? By who?" Well, I'm afraid that's confidential. Shall we get to work or what? We can keep bickering like this but I'm unable to give you the name of the person who gave me to you. "Fine, what do you got?" Glad to hear we're on the same page. It may not be much but I've recently discovered something that may be of interest to you. "Okay? So what is it?" Calm down, I'm getting there. I recently discovered that the Crystal is being used, but I don't know by who. I know it for a fact. In every timeline the Crystal is compromised, meaning something you or Star did must've made it accessible. "What Crystal? Star never told me about a crystal?" Oh! Don't take that personally, I'm not even sure she knows about it herself. "So what exactly is it?" I'm afraid you'll have to ask someone else. I'm not permitted to grant you that information. However, when you see Star, make sure she catches wind of this. Have the word passed on to her mom as well. "But I don't even know what it is..." Ah but Moon knows, I'm sure of it. Anyway, like I said, make sure Star is informed as soon as possible.

"What the-" I wake up in bed, and it's late. Maybe two or so in the morning. I don't even remember last night... Only the... Celeste. I sit up in bed, thing int about the things Celeste told me. Someone 'gifted' me it. I don't know who did though, and why my visions, or whatever they are, went away a for so long only to come back. I'll just have to ask Star about it when I see.

Star's PoV

"Star! Wake up!" My mothers voice, waking me so late at night. "What!" I say back. "Get up, get dressed, and get your wand, and quickly!" While I'm curious, I do as she asks, and as fast as I can. "Why? What's happening?" She looks a bit panicked, checking out of the Windows and such. "We're leaving. I have a lead and Toffee and I only trust you to come along." I stop what I'm doing immediately. "Are you crazy?! I thought before you said he was too strong and now, years later, he comes knocking on your door and you want to answer!?" My mom sighs and puts her hand on her forehead. "Star! There's no time to argue! We must leave now! The element of surprise is all we have against Toffee!" Even though I'm unhappy about it, I follow along. I get dressed, I get my wand, and I follow my mom out. I only hope that this doesn't go wrong... Horribly wrong...

Celeste PoV

Running Scan 3054
So far, nothing worth noting. However, this does look like a potential future timeline, one in which Marco could follow... I'm going to run a deeper analysis.
Scan 3054 being thoroughly checked now
I have to say, some intriguing stuff here. Seems in this timeline Star and Marco don't even meet back up, leading to Star's death... Unfortunate, but not going to happen considering the current situation...
Scan 3054 Terminated

Running Scan 3055
Hmmm... I don't notice anything particular about this outcome... But looks like Star is working for Toffee... Might be worth digging a little deeper...
Scan 3055 being thoroughly checked now
Unbelievable... Marco kills Star? Not going to lie... Definitely did not see that coming in any outcome... I don't even know if that's real! Worth keeping, just in case...
Scan 3055 Marked

Running Scan 3057
Hold on... I may have my hands full with this much work to do but I know I'm missing a number... A missing possibility... This can't be good. It's one thing to add manipulate to system to try to deceive me... I can find a crack in fabricated timelines with enough digging. Destroying one on the other hand... Toffee is much more powerful than I would've hoped...

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