Chapter 16

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I punched the man in the face again, ignoring the splash of blood that landed on my face.

"Answer me!"

I shook him by the collar, then cursed as he went limp.


I turned to the man tied up to my left.

Kneeling down in front of him, I tore the gag out of his mouth. "Talk."

"I know! I know the Akatsuki! They're a group of rogue ninjas that work as mercenaries!"

I frowned as I watched him for any signs of a lie.

"That all?"

He nodded. "That's all I know."

I scoffed. "That sucks," I said as I cut a large gash across his chest.

As per usual, I left a black oragami flower.

Temari would know.

She alone would know I was alive, and that was fine by me.

"A group of mercenaries," I said with a sigh.

Before I went to walk away from the bloody scene, a crow landed next to me, and I smiled.

I turned around, then frowned.

"Itachi, what are you wearing?"

"I heard you were looking for the Akatsuki," he stated plainly.

I placed a hand on my hip as I frowned. "I'm looking for Suko, you wouldn't happen to know anything, would you?"

His eyes narrowed, just barely.

"Itachi, what are you wearing?"

His eyes softened slightly. "Give up looking for the Akatsuki, Rin. Please," he said firmly.

I scoffed. "What, you don't want me getting hurt? I dont know if you've noticed?! But everyone besides me is getting hurt!"

I gestured to the two dead bodies behind me.

"Are you a part of the Akatsuki?"

He nodded slowly.

"Then their deaths are your fault! If you knew I was looking for the Akatsuki, then you should've come sooner. So I'll ask again,'where is Suko?'"

He flinched slightly, then sighed.

"It was her choice," he said quietly.

My eyes widened angrily. "Liar!"

"It's true!"

I bit my lip and turned away from him. "I'll find the truth. I'll find Suko."

"I know you will," he said quietly before disappearing.

I paced around angrily before finally unsheathing my katana and lunging towards a tree. There was a crack as ot began falling over, then several other cracks and pops as it crashed down.

The cut at its stump was perfect.

I took a few deep breaths and twirled my katana as I walked through the forest.

I'm near waves...I should visit Tazuna, Tsunami, and Inari.

I sighed and I sheathed my katana and let my hair out of its ponytail. It was extremely long now; it reached down to the middle of my thighs.

"I'll have Tsunami-san cut it. She'll enjoy that," I said with a slight smile.

I took a small sweet out of my pocket and ate it as I hummed one of the few songs I was able to hold on to.

I swallowed and licked my fingers before I started to sing.

"You're giving me,
too many things...lately.
You're all I need~
You smiled at me...and said.

Don't get me wrong I love yo-"

I whipped around, katana drawn as a branch snapped behind me.

"Well hello there," came a woman's voice.

It was soft, and soothing.

I narrowed my eyes at the masked woman who stepped out of the shadows. The only thing I could pinpoint for an actual description was the bright blonde hair.

She was wearing a full face mask, that even had mesh over the eyes. It was a beautiful black mask with blue designs etched into it.

A low chuckle cam from the mask as she stepped forward, her hands raised. "Don't worry. I won't hurt you. Trust me when I say if I wanted to, I would've done it already."

I frowned and sheathed my katana, but kept a hand on the hilt.

"My name is Yami," she said with a slight chuckle and bowed her head.

"Rin," I said as I bowed my head as well.

"Rin~" She rolled my name off her tongue like it was butter as she began walking a circle around me. 

I watched her carefully as she paced around me, examining me closely. Even though I couldn't see her eyes, I could feel them piercing through me.

This lady was intense, whoever she was.

"What do you want?"

She giggled. I nearly fell to the ground and sweatdropped as she stopped and put her hands on her hips. She took her cloak off and my eyes widened.

It wasn't the scars on her body. It wasn't the skimpy clothing either.

It was...

The gigantic...things.

I started trembling as my face turned blue. How does she fight with those?

She noticed my stare, and giggled again. "It's not that hard. They get in the way sometimes, but I don't do much hand to hand anyways. My specialty is stealth," she said quite cockily. 

I chuckled and scratched the back of my head. "Well, I guess that works. You still haven't answered my question, though." I smiled through my mask as she chuckled nervously.

"You see, the thing is. You remind me of someone. I've been following you for a few weeks now, and I just, needed to meet you," she said nervously.

I frowned, then started laughing. "Wow! You are a real ditz! Are you on your own?"

She nodded.

"How have you survived?! Pfft," I continued laughing as she sweatdropped.

In an instant, she had a blade at my throat. My eyes widened as I looked down at the small knife in her hand. It was completely black, save for a small engraving of the kanji for demon.  I frowned and grabbed her wrist.

"Where'd you get this?"

She clicked her tongue in annoyance and tore her hand away from mine. 

"What's it matter to you?" She sheathed the knife in her boot and I could feel her glaring at me.

"It could be important to me, if it is, I'll kill you," I said with a smirk.

She chuckled. "I've had it for longer than you've been alive, and don't get cocky. You're a hundred years too early to be challenging me like that."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Whatever, just don't get in my way during any fights."

She giggled and waved a hand mockingly. "Oh my my, I wouldn't think of it Rin-chan~"

I grimaced as she hugged me, smothering me with her chest. "L-LET GO! OFF WOMAN!"



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