Chapter 15

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I watched as Rin ran away from Gaara's sand.

Her little legs moved fast, but not fast enough.

The sand pinned her down, and she began screaming as Gaara slowly walked closer to her. I looked over at Kankuro and he simply shook his head.

Her scream cut off abruptly.

She began laughing and screaming for Gaara to stop tickling her, causing me and Kankuro to laugh as Gaara took advantage of her helplessness.

Finally, he let her go and she kept laughing while clutching onto her sides, trying to get air.

A hawk flew overhead, and the mood died.

I sighed and stood up straight from where I was leaning against the tree and walked over to the two small children who were standing next to each other, pouting slightly.

I put a hand on Gaara's shoulder. "Don't worry, when we finish, you two can play."

Gaara nodded and took Rin's hand. Kankuro walked over to me as we followed them to Father's office. "He's changed so much."

I nodded. "Did you hear about the other day?"

He nodded. "You mean the bodies? Yup. Looks like Rin isn't as innocent as we thought."

"I can't blame her though, they were assassins. He's sending more."

"He doesn't like that Gaara is beconing more and more docile each day."

I scoffed and glared at nothing in particular. "Of course not, he wants him to be a weapon. If it continues, he might just decide to get rid of Rin."

Kankuro's eyes widened. "If that happened, he'd let the One-Tail loose again!"

Rin's head turned slightly and I caught her frowning.

Kankuro caught it too and tensed. "That girl scares me sometimes," he whispered.

I nodded as we walked into thw building and climbed the stairs to father's office.

Gaara knocked, and there was a rough,"Come in."

We walked in and Rin was instantly snatched away from Gaara's hands. Before we could do anything, the rogue nin held a kunai to her throat.

"Try anything and she'll die right here."

"I'd like to see you try," came Rin's voice.

We all looked to see her standing behind father. The Rin the nin was holding disappeared in a puff of smoke.

My eyes widened. When did she make the clone? How?

Father smiled. "You've become very skilled, Rin."

She smirked. "But of course, Father~"

The air in the room became suffocating. My body froze as Rin's eyes turned to a piercing grey.

Gaara slowly walked over to me, then hid himself behind me and Kankuro as Rin stepped forward.

It happened in a second.

She disappeared, then reappeared in front of the rogue. Before he could guard, she unsheathed her katana and impaled him against the wall. She let go of the hilt and let him hang there as she turned to father.

"Try anything funny again and you will lose two important assets," she said lowly.

He frowned and nodded.

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