brotherly duties

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"Lexi come on. You can't hide in the car forever!!" My mom yelled from the trunk of the car. I groan getting out of the car slamming the door behind me. Hi, Im Lexi carcellé. I am a 15 year old only daughter to my 3 month of not being single mother. We got evicted from our house cause we wouldn't give up our pitbull. A middle aged man walks by ruffling my hair as he goes over to where my mum is bent over putting a box down they hug and do that other...weird adult couply stuff.
"Did you guys get here okay?" The man asked looking at us two. That would be Dan. Dan is my mums 3 month old boyfriend. Hes okay I guess. He has a son thats 17 or 18 I think. But guess what? I get to now live with them.
"Oh it was lovely dear wasn't it lexi?" She says in that tone every teen knows thats morse code for think before you speak. I force a smile n nod. Dan chuckles n we all start unloading.

*time skip brought to you by food*

My mum Dan and I were all seated at the table eating chicken and fries. His son Cameron walks in and I try not to check him out. Slim yet muscular build, cold piercing blue eyes met mine as he sat in the chair across from me and began eating. No one spoke just ate. Finally unable to bear the moment any longer I excuse myself to my bedroom changing into shorts n a tank top I lay down and read. Hearing my door open I ignore it until I squeal n drop my book jerking my foot away as I feel a cold wet nose touch the sole of my foot. i look over n see Sammy wagging his tail with Dan behind him chuckling as he sits on the edge of my bed as Sammy lays on the floor. My cheeks grow red as I look down.
"Seems your a bit sensitive. I came in to see if you were okay. I know my son can be a bit intimidating but hes a good kid. " he says and I shrug going back to reading. I squeak n move away as a finger prods my side.
"Pl-plehehease dont poke me." I giggle as I look up. Dan has this glint in his eye and I bite my lip. He chuckles and stands.
"Alright. Get some sleep school starts tomorrow." He says n leaves the room. I relax and cuddle sammy once he climbs into the bed and fall asleep.

Feeling someone shake me I groan n shove them away. They leave and I smile internally snuggling my pillow. That is until a certain pitbull decides to nuzzle my side n belly. I squeal n push his big head away as I fall off the bed landing on my bum as I recover. Giggling I stand and change into black combat boots. Blue skinny jeans. And a batman logo tye dye tank top. With a black beanie to top it off. After playing with Sammy a bit I grab my bag n run to the bus.


Climbing on I see two kids watch me. I find an empty seat n sit on the inside trying to block out all the teen chatter and life storys.
"Hey sexy wanna come let me give you a nice ride later?" I look over n see one of the kids that was watching me and I frown shaking my head.
"Im sorry I have a boyfriend named Sammy. He is hard headed and is really good in a fight. " I respond n scoot away from him as he smirks. We get to the high school and I climb out but before I reach the door I am shoved to the ground groaning I look up an I see barbie. Im not joking fake boobs blonde hair so much make up if you slapped her cheek your hand would be covered.
"Look ya stupid newbie. This is my school and asking to ride MY boyfriend isnt a good first impression." She smiles innocently and the kid from earlier pins me against the wall. She gets ready to punch me but Im dropped to the ground as the kid that was pinning me is now pinned to the ground getting beat by two other guys. A hand is held out to me. I look up and see Cameron. Dans son. I take his hand and he hugs me.
"Lets go home. We will get icecream. But only if you don't get in another fight." He says. I frown confused as he was cold as ice last night. I nod and we climb into his black chevy truck. Im silent unsure what to say. Suddenly he pulls over.

"Can you fit your wrists in between the head rest and your seat? *I tilt my head confused but try it n smile triumphantly as I get both hands through but yelp as my wrists are handcuffed so I can't pull out. Looking over I squirm n notice now my whole upper torso is exposed.
"I heard you and your dog this morning. Plus I figured you needed cheering up after today. So..."he squeezes my side making my body jerk as I giggle. " now I get to tickle and tease my new sisters adorable spots. Its a big brothers duty right? Hmm..lets try here. Mine as well work top to bottom right?." He chuckles n sits next to my trapped body and traces my neck with his fingers making me giggle slightly n scrunch my shoulders trying to move away. He smiles fondly and lets each hand drag from the inside of my elbow to right above of my underarms. Glad I shaved but also trying to get free, I squeal and arch my back bursting into uncontrollable giggles as I feel his fingers wiggle and gently scratch at my hollows.  Trying to twist away and yanking at my arms but no matter what he keeps tickling.
"Pl-plehehehehhahahahahse cahahahhameron nohohoho cmon heheehhhhehehehe lehehehets go hohohome!!!"I manage to giggle out as I plead with him. He smirks n shakes his head as he moves his left hand to my ribs I jump as I feel each individual finger wiggle inbetween my ribs while playing and teasing them like a piano while his other hand kept gently digging into my hollow. Throwing my head back in laughter I begin to squirm and thrash more knowing my worst spot is close. He chuckles laughing at my reactions.
"whats the matter new sibling. Surely a little tickling would be easy to handle. " he trails both hands down to my sides squeezing and kneading them like dough as I squeak and giggle.
"Nohohoahahahahahahhaa!!! Stahahaehehehehehehehep!!! I'm hahaahaahhahappy!!" I squeal. He ignores my pleads n begins to skitter his fingers along my belly. I freeze n throw my head back as I squirm twist futilessily as I shriek n howl in laughter.
"I found your spot. Adorable." He says casually as he continues.
"PLEHHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHAHA MY BELLY NO PLEHEHEEHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! DOHOHOHONT TOUCH MY BEHEHEHHELLY BUTT-NYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!  *I howl in screaming laughter as a finger stratches the walls of my innie. Then as one hand works my belly the other starts massaging its thumb into my hip bone making me buck n squeal.
"STEHEHEHEHEAHAHAAHAHAAHHAAHAHHAHA!!!!!" I cry out. He chuckles and pulls away stopping.
"All right all right. Lets go get icecream. "He smiles warmly and gets me free and we buckle up as he puts his truck in gear n we head to go get icecream. I guess he isn't so bad after all.

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