Into the Forest

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Hey guys been awhile huh? It has been crazy in rl for a while. But I noticed even though I haven't written anything in a bit, you guys still have voted..and so thank you. Lets just jump right in shall we? X3

I fly through the forest that I call home, you see I am a faerie. No not like tinkerbell. Although like her we do have nature outfits. Mine? A red dress with black flats, faction? Light. My name?
"Hey, kat! Did you hear? One of the newb faeries got lost in the L forest!" A male faerie sporting black flats but blue jeans and top appears next to me as we fly past the trees, jumping me from my thoughts.
"Well, hello to ya to Jax.The L forest? I thought we were banned from even going near there!?"I asked confused. The L forest is a dangerous place for Fae kind. The L? Laughter. No one knows why but its heard if your close enough you can hear laughter emitting from the dark forest except it has been banned, cause no one whose been in has come out the same. Even the warrior fae are terrified of the place.
"I know! But apparently, it can't be that dangerous. Anyways, heres me. Adios!" Jax waves before flying into his hut. Our conversation not leaving my thoughts as I enter my own.

☆○☆○☆○☆time skip○☆○☆○☆○☆○

When night came I laid in my hammock of leaves still thinking about what Jax mentioned. I mean it can't be that dangerous for it to be called the Laughter forest right? I groan ignoring the smart part of my brain n get up getting dressed and leave for the L Forest. Darting through the trees I think of the possible things I might find and before I know it I'm at the barrier. Hearing laughter I get nervous but sigh and flutter my wings  closing my eyes tightly as I fly through the barrier before I can regret it. Squinting my eyes they widen as I look around gasping. Squealing excitedly as I have never been one to break the rules, I explore zooming through trees and vines not aware of what I had awoken. Not paying attention I take a breather on a branch. This is so fucking cool! I tell myself before letting out a loud yelp as something wraps around my ankle.
"H-HEY! HELP! SOMEBODY! Let me go!!!!" I yell eyes widening as a vine wraps around my mouth making me go silent. I whimper softly watching as more vines appeared around my wrists and my other ankle forcing my body into a Y position n tearing my dress, before hearing a girly giggle. The vine wrapping around my mouth goes around my neck lightly.
"W-whoever you are pl-please help me!" I yell in embaressment and fear. Confused as no reply nor help came. I tried to fight the vines feeling them stretch my body out until I can barely move.
"W-what do you want!?"I yell in vain knowing there won't be an answer, until I hear that girly laughter again, distracted I look around for it, before feeling the vines shift and cool air hitting my soles. Eyes widening I let out a high pitched squeak as another vine begins to poke n prod my stomach n sides at random making me break into giggles.
"H-Hehehey! C-cut it hehehe out!" I plead trying weakly to squirm and suck in my stomach. The vine as if having a mind of its own, begins to squeeze both sides as another sneaks up and traces around my belly button making me close my eyes tightly waiting for the inevitable. Until all the  vines stop. Releasing the breathe I didnt know I was holding I open my eyes cautiously lookin at the vines.
"A-are you do-NYEHEHEHEHAHHAHAHAHA!!!"I shriek as the vine hovering above my belly button swirls into it not leaving any crevice alone. As the other two pick up and continue squeezing and massaging into my sides. I yelp as I feel myself being moved until Im upside down the vines not stopping there assualt.
"PLehehehehahahase!! Im too ticklish hehehehahahhaha!!"I squeal in ticklish agony trying to move and twist n turn to no avail. I gasp as I feel a vine gliding down my ankle to my feet and curl my toes. The vine gently goes to my heel before lightly tracing up n down my sole making me giggle even more, yelping as another appears under my toes wiggling inbetween under and on top of them.
"No pleheehehehahahaa!!!! I-I cahahant!!!" I yell out to the vines before feeling stupid. Cheeks turning red from laughter tears welling in my eyes.
"But the funs only just start Faerie. Why would I let you go when my friend and you are having so much fun!?" I hear a voice. It sounded like a girl but I couldn't focus long enough to look around. Before I cry out as who was speaking appears in front of me. The vines slow to a teasing slow before stopping making me sigh in relief as I pant.
"Pl-please, I-I dont know who you are but I didn't do anything!"I whimper looking at the girl before realizing the dreadful truth. Shes a pixie. Pixies are almost unheard of as they are the enemies of faeries, unlike us who help others. They play and mess with there victims. The blonde girl giggles as she notices my realization.
"Yay! You figured it out! Listen faerie, your my new toy for my baby vinetail here. You can't tell me you weren't having fun! I mean even Queen Faya could here you!"The girl tilts her head smirking before going a bit lower tracing my lower abdomen, making me squirm a bit.
"P-Please just let me go I wont tehehehell.."I trail off as I break into giggles the pixie waving me off as she ignores me.
"Ah so it is true. All faeries are extremely sensitive hmm? Lets see..."The pix trails off as she walks her fingers to each of my hips making my eyes widen as I shake my head.
"N-No please. I swehehEHEHEHAHAHAAHHAR NAHAHAAHAAHHA THEHEHEHERE!!!!"I shriek as her thumbs massage into my hips making me break into hysterical laughter as she tortures one of my worst spots.
"Awww, is the little faerie not having enough fun? Lets kick it up then shall we?" The pixie stops n backs up snapping her fingers. For a moment nothing happened and I pant catching my breathe before shrieking again all the vines previously go into there spots as 2 two ones go to each of my hips drilling and massaging into them making me cry out in hysterics. Feeling overwhelmed as vines at my feet wiggled in an out of my toes soft as feathers, tips of vines tracing and gliding over my soles. Others on my sides and belly moving to my ribs playing an wiggling inbetween them.
"I CAHAHAHHAAHAHANT PLEHEHEHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!!!"I plead one last time as tears stream down my cheeks eyes seeing spots before passing out.
♧☆♧☆♧☆time skip☆♧☆♧☆♧☆

"Shes over here!!"a faint distant voice yelled......Jax?...I groan eyes opening looking around seeing that Im laying on the ground Jax above me. Eyes widening as memories flood back. And I whimper trying to sprint but am held back by Jax.
"Hey hey its okay. You're okay. Im here."He soothes combing his fingers through my hair getting the leaves out. Not much later we both stand and I look back jumping as I swear I see a vine waving. Turning around I race up to where Jax was waiting and leave for home, knowing now that I will never go back into that forest nor tell a living soul what happened in there...

Hey guys how are you? I haven't edited this yet nor...any other stories. A friend of mine read them recently and we had a talk so I might restart this one. Not sure yet..

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