Request: Alls fair in a tickle war

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Hey guys...*waves awkwardly* welp you guys are here to read about..whatever I write that you think is decent heh. Anyways this request is to Lycanroc0567 you seem really cool and thank you for reading the first part. Anyways *rubs hands together* VOILA!!!

Eric Bass woke up from his nap n gets out of his bunk in a pair of loose fitting sweats. He stretched tiredly remembering that as the band Shinedown was on tour as there bassist he has to get used to sleeping in a bunk. Eric walks out into the living room chuckling as he sees his friend and the drummer Barry Kerch laying on the couch wearing basketball shorts and socks watching Zach Myers who is also only in sweats but with socks, scroll through tv channels. Eric sits on the couch as Brent comes in and sits in front of him wearing a tank top n sweats. It was quiet except the t.v. until Zach turned it off n dramatically collasped to the floor rolling onto his back.
"Guysss I'm bored as all hell. Theres nothing on t.v. and you guys are boring as well. " Zach complained. They all chuckled. Brent rolls his eyes. Ignoring his band mate. Barry however shakes his head.
"If you kept the t.v. on you couldve played a game smart ass. " he laughs. Zach rolls his eyes and pokes his band members side making the other jump a little n move away. Barry glares playfully n squeezes Zachs side as a warning.
" I'd be careful there Zach. You're the sensitive one." Eric says as he and Brent watch amused. Zach yelps giggling slightly n moves away. Cheeks warming up as he has a slight tickle fetish but the others don't know. Deciding it wouldn't harm anyone Zach scoots closer to the couch still laying on his back n playfully places one foot on Erics lap and the other on Barry's. The elder band members roll there eyes.
"Cmon you guys are so boring. Worse than a box. At least Barry squeaks!" Zach complains n closes his eyes. Barry hearing the comment raises his eye brows n chuckles.
" I will give you one chance to take that back. " Barry warns. Smirking Zach sits up n pokes Barrys side again.
"ACK! W-will you stohop that!?" Barry jerks away chuckling and shakes his head.
"Thats it. " Barry warns and tackles Zach n sits behind his head pinning his wrists as he traces the others neck. Eric chuckles watching as Zach yelps and squirms.
"Whats i-AYE! Now cmon b-bahahaharry nohohhoho! " Zach breaks into school boy giggles and kicks his legs accidently kicking Erics leg. Eric smirks and shakes his head sitting on Zach's ankles.
"Kicking me? Being tickled by Barry wasn't enough? You can't beat two of us there Zachy. Although since you can't stop laughing for kicking my leg..." Eric trails off as he takes off both socks an scribbles his blunt nails all over the others soles. Making Zach buck and let out a girly squeal making even Brent laugh.
"N-no eheheric I didnt mean to cmon hehehhe bahahahhary cuhuhut it out wahahhait Eric whahahat are you-NO HEHEHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH!!! THAHHAHAHAT TICKLEHEHEHES SO BAHAHAHAD FUCKIN HEHEHEHELLL!!! BRHEHEHENT HEHEHHEELP!!" Zach yelps and crys out in laughter. Barry smirks and dives into the pinned ones armpits digging gently into his hollows. Brent smirks and sits next to Zachs side and begins poking and proddin his whole torso.
"Alright I'll help. You were so bored. Are you still bored? Damn are you ticklish though." Brent shakes his head n breathes in heavily n holds it placing his lips on Zachs stomach over his navel. Eric moves up to skittering and tracing his knees and thighs.
"Nohoho pleheehGUHUHUHUYS CMON HAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHHAA!! BWHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO RAHAHAHAHASPBERRY!! "Zach shrieks and laughs tryin to twist away as he tickled mercilessily. After ten minutes of the torture they all do it slowly.
"Now are you still bored?"Barry asked him.
"Are you going to kick me?"eric asked.
"Will you make me a coffee?" Brent asks all three smirking. Zach pants trying to catch his breathe. Giggling slightly.
"N-no no and yes! Pl-plehehehehehase let me up!" Zach begs. They let him go and chuckle.
"Its okay Zach put in a video game and we can all play. " Eric says ruffling Zachs hair. And that's what they did. Put in videogame and they all laughed and played.

Hope you like it...its a bit shorter than the first but its 2:30am it. Vote if its good. Comment and tell me what you think? I do take requests. No bullying or drama or being a plain ass. But nice critism is appreciated in dms. Anyways night!

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