chapter 1 - a beginning of sorts

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Jonathan's POV

Ba bum. Ba bum. Ba bum.


Jonathan's heart was pounding in a frantic rhythm. He grasped his precious book behind him defensively, as his face began to flush deeply.

Jonathan, a closeted boy who had many questions at the present moment, was currently millimeters away from another boy. A boy who was also blushing profusely.

Neither of them had the desire or will to pull away from each other, their hearts thumping together in sync.

The boy who currently had his arms wrapped around him had a soft red mess of curls on top of his head, and a constellation of light brown freckles all over his face, as if someone had splattered paint all over him. His honey-brown eyes were filled with astonishment and fear. He was.... the most adorable thing Jonathan had ever seen.

What is happening to me?

Jonathan's stomach suddenly felt tight, his face darkening red even more so.

I can't move. Fu-

With impressive speed, the mysterious ginger flew out of the arms of a very conflicted Jonathan and darted to the nearest trash can behind him.

Standing there, Jonathan was dumbstruck. Not only was his apple suspiciously missing, but his heart continued to pound, almost as if it were screaming, "NO COME BACK".

In a dreamlike state, Jonathan inched forward towards the trash can carefully, as if he were approaching a stray cat. His blue eyes scanned for any sign of life within the silver bin. Who the hell is this guy?

To Jonathan's amusement, the ginger peeked out of the trashcan, his face immediately turning crimson when realizing his dream boy was still there, staring at him intently.

"Um... hello?" Jonathan practically whispered, his eyes burning with curiosity.

As the Ginger heard these uttered words, a small screech invaded his speech, and he grasped the can in shock. The Ginger then proceeded to tip over, trashcan and all.

Oh crap. Jonathan quickly rushed over in an attempt to stop the trashcan mid-fall. As if in slow motion, Jonathan watched the ginger escape the trash can as it landed on the sidewalk.

Jonathan, at full speed, tripped over said can, and fell... on top of something surprisingly soft and slightly red in the face.

oh jeez.

author's note - will update as soon as possible; thank you for reading this so far! not sure how long this story will go, to be honest. I appreciate feedback on it! Above the title for this chapter I put the music video for the song this story is kind of inspired by. thank you again, and will see you soon.

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