chapter 2 - the baseball game

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Sherwin's POV

Oh frick me...

Sherwin couldn't breathe. Not because he was dying or anything. Mostly because the boy of his dreams was on top of him at this very moment. To Sherwin's surprise, Jonathan was just as red-faced as he was. He was breathing hard, struggling to hold himself up with his hands, only to fall on top of Sherwin completely. Sherwin felt like a small pencil under him. At that thought, Sherwin's body shook slightly with embarrassment. He felt as if he were a bag of burnt popcorn that had exploded in the microwave.

They laid there in silence, unmoving. Sherwin, who was as red as a ripe strawberry, became very aware that their crotches were directly on top of each other. By reading Jonathan's face, Sherwin was sure he had noticed this fact too. Sherwin tried to look away from the ocean that was Jonathan's eyes, but couldn't. They pierced his very soul.

OK... maybe he was dying. His heart continued to pound quickly, just like it had when he had first made eye contact with Jonathan, during the baseball game a couple of weeks ago...

- flashback -

Although Sherwin was a ginger of many talents, athletics (let alone baseball) was not included on his list. All Sherwin could do was sing in the high school's Acapella choir, and write poetry about... uh... love and stuff (wiggles eyebrows).

On the other hand, Sherwin's older brother was on the New Gate baseball team. Being the muscular senior he was, Erin was supposedly the team's brilliant catcher. He was the complete opposite of Sherwin; not only did Erin have muscle, but he also had a mop of blonde hair on top of his head. His locks were usually tucked underneath a blue baseball cap.

Sherwin's parents had always secretly favored Erin over him, mostly because he already had a nice girlfriend named Sarah, and was athletic in some shape or form. Sherwin loved his brother, although he was jealous of his athletic talent and impressive social life.

Sherwin's mother and father both had curly red hair and had been happily married together for several years. Both of them were the same amount of embarrassing and always wanted the family to spend time together. Which got annoying incredibly fast.

Because of Sherwin's over supportive parents, he was practically thrown into their silver car the evening of one of the multiple important baseball games, according to his brother, to go watch him catch... balls? Sherwin knew nothing about baseball.

On the way there, Sherwin repeatedly smacked his head on the cold, droplet-filled window. He had no desire to watch a bunch of jocks chase around a tiny ball for god knows how long, especially in the rain.

But, little did Sherwin know that his life was going to change forever that rainy, spring night.

Once they finally arrived in the parking lot of the school, Sherwin eyed the rolling clouds ahead, still producing a fair amount of cold water.

As he closed the car door behind him, Sherwin struggled to contain the strong desire that included climbing right back into the car, away from bad weather, and most importantly, people.

It was the beginning of May, and it was just as rainy and depressing as April was. Sherwin, as he trudged with his disgustingly cheerful parents, came to the conclusion that the saying, April showers bring May flowers, was a complete hoax.

In the distance, Sherwin noticed the familiar small field with the classic dirt of a baseball... diamond? Was that what it was called? He had only watched The Sandlot once, so he surprised he could remember at least a few of the baseball terms.

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