Chapter 2- Trust issues

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My uncle had continued to grumble on about manners and how wonderful the school is and how mrs fritter is and all that jazz, personally i just think he fancies the pants of her. So i just let him have his moan but when we reached the house i just ran off upstairs ignoring him

when i got to my room the colours blasted out and the swirls of colour were electrifying, when i first came here the room was plain and white but amazed me how much wall space there was and without realising it i was unselfconsciously painting the wall, oops my bad! but after he went red in the face and yelled at me when he found out even he admitted it looked great so he let me keep my designs as long as they stayed in my room.

i turned up some paramore tunes then some Nicki minaj, Rhianna, Connor Maynard and then one direction's 'what makes you beautiful' came streaming in, quickly i pulled out my ipad and google searched 'one direction' and up came the curly haired boy i had been cuddling today and his mate Louis

"AHA!" I screamed and jumped up and down fangirling like crazy it was only when i stopped and turned around did i realise my uncle had ran up the stairs with a pan in his hands frowning at me

"are you okay!?" he asked looking at me as if I'm crazy,i do admit i must look pretty crazy right now

"No! why did you not tell me the one direction boys go to that school?!" i asked near screaming with excitement whilst he just winced and put his hands over his ears

"i just didn't think it was that important" he said before exiting the room because of my screaming, i got to hug THE HARRY STYLES! my adrenaline was racing i just couldnt wait for tomorow.


"GET UP" my uncles voice boomed through the house as i lay in bed not wanting to move

"i'll miss you! i whispered into my pillow and attempted to get ready, i walked into the huge walk in wardrobe which was filled with clothes, not mine my uncles extremely young ex wife but she left all of her clothes and because we left in a hurry i have none so i use hers. I had to admit she was one fashionable lady she even has things that wont come out till next month! I would of loved to wear some of these clothes but because we have a stupid school uniform i couldnt so i decided to accesorize instead, I am quite good with that kind of thing.

i wore my black platform heels with a bow at the side,knee high black socks, my above the knee skirt, a poofed short sleeved blouse (two buttons undone) with my black waist coat,some black chains and the redblack and white striped tie and a black bowler hat tilted to the side of my wavy dark brown hair. i had underlined my eyes with eyeliner and put a few strokes of mascara on my eye lashes before finishing with some blusher to give me a glow.

after about a fifteen minute drive he dropped me off outside the golden gates

"be good" he called driving away

"blah, blah , blah!" i muttered as i made my way inside.


Mrs fritter had lead me to a huge classroom with blue and white wallpaper patterns, it was beautiful and as soon as i entered the door i saw harry grinning up at me from the back table with all of his friends, he waved his hand at me and i just grinned back and started to walk towards him when a blonde chick came up and stood infront of me

"hey new girl! these are my boys so back off" she growled and the boys started laughing, i turned crimson and sat on the seat next in front of me confused on why they laughed and why she was so protective. I glanced a look at harry but he was just laughing and flirting with a bunch of blonde bimbos with way too much make up on "i guess you've met tiffany then?" a voice said i swiveled around to find a guy with brown hair which flopped onto his forehead, i just smiled

I should've kissed you.-Onedirection fanficWhere stories live. Discover now