Kit and Ming

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There are two types of people when it comes to love: one that is completely honest and one that is in denial. At the end of the day, both person will still get hurt whether its intentional or unintentional.

I let out a sigh as I sit beside Beam, I am hanging out at the College of Medicine since I am already done with my morning classes. My Beam is busy working on his assignment so I decided not to bother him

"Are you bored Khun luang? Just give me a few minutes, then my attention is all yours" Beam said when he heard my sigh

I smiled and pats his back "Don't worry, I am not bored. Just finish your assignment." I answered.

Beam look up to stare at me, he was reading my expression like an open book and I guess I can't help but be completely honest with him

"Then why do you look like that?" Beam asks as he close the book that he is working on and caress my cheeks

Beam can be sweet when he needs to and I am really lucky everytime he does that. I touch his hand and fumble with it,

"Do you know if something happened early this morning?" I ask while looking at his hand

"What do you mean?" Beam asks as he leaned on me.

I look up and look around, I can't see his other friends, maybe I can tell him.

"Between Kit and Mingkwan?" I replied

Beam glance at my direction and shrug his shoulder "I don't know, I just saw him with a bleeding hand, just like what I told you in Line earlier then Kitty help him clean his wounds and after that Kit didn't say anything. Why did something happened?" he asks, his focus now is completely on me while waiting for me to talk

"I don't know too, but I saw Ming while I'm on my way here, he looks distracted and I never saw him like that before." I replied

Beam frowned and look at me again "Do you think he and kitkat had an argument?" he asks

"Well it could be, but I am not really sure. Ming didn't attend any of his classes today. he asks me if he can call in sick." I added

Beam's eyes widened "Its that serious?" he asks

I could only nod my head when we notice Kit and Phana approaching our table. Kit looks distracted as well while looking at his phone.

"Ei, Ai'Pha are you done with the meeting?" Beam asks while looking at the other guy

"Sawadee khap" Phana and Kit greeted me while I just smiled at them. they took the seat on the other side

Phana look around as if looking for someone "Have you seen Yo?" he asks

Me and Beam shake our heads to say no since we haven't seen Yo around from the time I arrived

"Is he going here?" I asks while looking around

Kit pointed at the other direction "There he is." while looking at Yo

Phana stood up to approach Yo and I noticed that Yo looks so stressed out. he was not smiling like how he used to

"sawadee khap P's" Yo greeted as he sit between Kit and Phana

Beam leaned closer as he watches Yo's expression "What's with your expression Yo?" he asks

"Sorry, I just finished a nerve wracking exam, I think my brains just gave up on me." Yo replied which made everyone in our table laugh

Phana put his arms around Yo and smiled "I know you did your best, cheer up." he told Yo, which made him smile a bit

"P'Forth, have you seen Mingkwan? He's not answering any of my messages." Yo asks while looking at me. Kit who was busy with his phone also look up

I smiled and scratch my head "I've seen him while I was on my way here. but I am not sure why he's not responding to your messages." I answered

"Kitty, do you know anything?" Beam asks while looking at his friend. Kit glared at him and sighed

"How will I know if he's not answering my messages as well?" He replied

Yo frowned "huh? even you P? that's weird. He will make sure to respond if its you who's sending him messages. where is that guy?" he wondered

"maybe he's resting, he injured his hand earlier this morning." Phana said informing Yo of his bestfriend's condition

"Why what happened?" Yo asks while looking at Phana

Phana smiled as he look at us and whisphered "I think your bestfriend got jealous when he saw suthee and kit earlier and crushed the bottle that he was holding"

Yo gasp while covering his gaping mouth with his hand and glance at Kit's direction

"What?" Kit asks him

Yo shake his head and tried to smile "Nothing P." he replied

"Do you want me to check on Ming?" I ask while looking at Yo,

Yo shake his head and smiled "I'll just go instead P, knowing Ming he will not tell you anything no matter how you convinced him." He replied

"Waiiit, you are going to the engineering dorm?" Phana asks while raising his eyebrow

Yo smiled "P'Pha, I am just going to check if my bestfriend since birth is still alive then go back." he replied as he pinch Phana's cheeks

"Stop being possesive pha, why not let kit visit his favorite nong instead." Beam said while smiling at Kit

I leaned in closer to Beam and whisphered "Khun ying, I don't think its a good idea."

Beam frowned while looking at me but didn't say anything.

"Let Yo talk to his friend first, he might not even open his door if its me. He's been grumpy with me since early this morning." Kit replied while doodling on his notes

Yo stood up and grab his things "I'll check on him first then go back, see you P's" he announced before leaving the cafe

"Beam, I have something to show you go with me first." I told Beam as I stood up and drag him with me leaving Kit and Phana alone

We were at the Soccer field where its quiet and far from the crowd

"Why are we here?" Beam ask while leaning on the tree

I sighed as I look around, "I saw Ming cried earlier." I told beam

Beam's eyes widened "But... why?" He asks

"I don't know, I told you this is the first time I saw him so down and distracted and when I ask him what's going on, those tears answered me." I replied

Beam sighed "Aish, this two keeps on playing around. I don't even know what to do with them." he uterred

"Do you really think that Kit feels the same way for Ming?" I ask, its not my business but I needed to know, Ming is one of my hazing brothers so I do care for him

Beam sit on one of the benches and look up "I am not Kit so I really don't know what he feels, but All I can say is that Ming change him, he looks happier than before, he might be scared or confused?" he replied

"We are all scared Beam, but you have to fight for what you believe is right, for that person you love." I told him as I sit beside him.

Beam nods his head "Only time can tell, but I hope when Kit realize that its not too late." He stated

I nodded as I wrap my arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer. I can clearly relate with Ming and Kit, coz it happened to Beam and Me, but we decided to go against our fears and confusion to be happy and I hope they will have the courage to do the same thing...

Its not going to be easy...

but It's going to be worth fighting for..

A/N: I finally added Forth's POV, I just thought that maybe its nice if we can hear the thoughts of those friends surrounding our beloved MingKit 😊 Sorry for making everyone cry with the last update, 🙏 as always thank you for your kind words, it helps me to do better ❤

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