My World

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Kit is observing a senior doctor for an emergency surgery. He's been watching the whole process for the last 4 hours while taking in some notes - he needs this for the research he was working on.

"When will you be able to finish your research Dr. Intochar? I think your ideas are great. It will be a conventional way to treat a disease without too much toll on the body." The doctor stated while checking the monitor from time to time.

Kit smiled as he paused to look at the doctor "I am not sure Dr. Song, Might take some time. But I will have to present this for my graduation requirements." he replied

"Ahh I see then. Best of Luck, I am sure its gonna be approve." Dr. Song answered while suturing the wound close.

"Thank you Dr. Song." Kit replied. He was then called by one of the nurses.

Kit turned around to face the nurse who called him "Yes Nurse Kath?" he asks

"Dr. Intochar, Dr. Bright from the Emergency room called in to ask for you. They said they have a patient you need to see." Nurse Kath answered

Kit frowned while looking at the Nurse. He's no longer assigned to the Emergency room and yet patients are still looking for him?

"Did they say who it was?" Kit asks before standing up and went outside the surgery room.

"Mingkwan Daichepa--" Kit was already running away before The nurse even finish what she was about to say.

Kit run as fast as he can from one wing to another wing of the hospital where the emergency room is located. He was panting the moment he reach the said unit while his heart is beating loudly against his chest.

/What happened to you moongming?/

He saw Forth and some of the hazer standing outside the unit. Kit slowly approach them while Dr. Bright called his attention

"Kit~ They told me to call you. I know you were working on some thesis." Dr. Bright stated

Kit shake his head as he look at the doctor infront of him "It's okay. I need to know his condition." he replied

"Dr. Phleng is still checking on him." Dr. Bright replied before he patted Kit's back

Kit turned to face Forth and the other hazers "What happened Ai'Forth?" he asks, his eyes full of concern

"He lose consciousness while we are in the middle of the meeting that's why we rush him here. He just finish his project this morning" Forth replied

Kit sighed as he leaned on the wall. He knows that Ming was not feeling well since last night but insisted to go to school today because of this project. He could have done something for him but he was not able to do so because he's in the hospital for a shift.

Dr.Phleng came out of the unit and saw Kit and the other hazers "Dr. Intochar, why are you here?" he asks

"I'm Mingkwan's Guardian. How is he doc?" Kit asks while looking at the senior doctor.

Dr. Phleng sighed as he pats Kit's back "Good thing he was brought here immediately. That guy is overfatigue - his blood pressure is so low which made him faint. I already gave him an IV shot so he should be okay but I need to keep him in for one night just to make sure." he answered

Kit glance at Forth and his friends "He didn't hit his head or anything right?" he asks

Forth shake his head "Aim got him before he even fell." he answered

"Well then that's good. I'll have him transfer to a room." Dr.Phleng stated

"Thank you guys, I'll take care of him" Kit stated. Forth just nod his head at the other hazers and they left. Forth handed Kit with Ming's bag.

Catch me I'm fallin' for you... [MingKit Story - COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now