They Don't Understand

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I'm just a girl,

in this big world.

Still got things to learn,

made some wrong turns.

Its life…… I mean reality,

don't judge me.

I'm not perfect, nobody is.

I can only do what's best for Lizz.

Everything I do is success, I'm so bless.

Yes I make mistakes, if you wanna you can hate.

So many battles I got to fight,

and I'm still shinning in the light.

They tell me that I'm too young.

They tell me I'm growing up too fast.

But can't they see I'm just trying to have fun.

I'm just making it last.

I'm not the same person I use to be.

Too many things coming at me.

Book of Poems By Genee WilliamsWhere stories live. Discover now