Chapter 2-Edited

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Gakushū Asano POV: 

After I sent my last text, I changed into my school uniform. I walked towards my plain white marble desk and looked at my class schedule. My bag was hanging from the hook behind the door and I took it off and put my books for today in it. I placed my homework in my bag and walked into my bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. My hair was all over the place. I combed my hair and tidy it up. After I was done, I walked down the marble stairs and towards the kitchen. I took a glance over at the clock. 6:12 am. I quickly made my lunch and packed it into my bag. I quickly walked towards the front door and put my leather shoes on. As soon as I opened the front door, I saw a girl with the same uniform. It was F/N.

I quickly locked my front door and walked up to her then tapped her on the shoulder. She slightly jumped then turned around. "You startled me," she said with a smile. "Sorry," I replied. "So, do you want to walk to school together?" I asked her. "Did the others tell you to?" She questioned. I just nodded my head. "Well, you don't really have a choice anyway since I'm here now," she told me with a smile. 'She looks so cute when she is smiling.'  I looked at her neck and saw a bruise going around. It was kinda in shape of a rope. 'The fuck. Why does she have a bruise like that there?'  I snapped out of my thoughts when F/N clicked her fingers in front of my face. "Hey, are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah, I am," I replied back. "Are you okay from yesterday?" I asked her as I looked at her forehead where the bandages were. There was still a hint of blood and I looked at her face. "Yeah. I'm okay. It's still bleeding but not as much as yesterday." "Do you know who did this to you?" F/N looked at the floor and shook her head. "All I know is that they like you." "Oh. Okay." "Anyways, let's get going now." I nodded and we walked to school. Most of the time, F/N was just fangirling about this k-pop boy band called BTS.

While we were walking to school, F/N gave off a slightly dark atmosphere but I just brushed it off, thinking nothing of it. I stopped at the traffic lights while F/N continue to walk on. I looked to the right and saw a car coming towards her. I looked at her and she was just looking at the car. I immediately grabbed her wrist and yanked her back to me. She fell onto the floor. 'Shit! I was probably a bit too harsh.' I helped her up but I looked at her with an angry but worried expression.  "Do you want to die?!" I shouted at her. She wasn't looking at me or replying to me so I snapped my fingers in front of her face. "Do you want to die?!" I shouted at her again. "I'm sorry." I sighed and she looked at me. Tears were falling from her eyes. My eyes widened in shock. She opened her mouth but closed it immediately. She wiped her tears away and smiled at me. She walked off and I followed her. We both acted like nothing ever happened.

"Is something bothering you? Like anything happening at home or school?" I asked her in a worried tone. "No. And it's not like you to be worried about someone else. Is anything wrong with you?" She asked. "Oh, it's nothing. I mean you are rank 2 in the school so I might check up on you if you are doing good in your studies," I lied. Well, it wasn't really a lie. "Oh okay." I looked at her and she started quietly saying something. "So if I wasn't rank 2 you wouldn't care?" "No, that's not what I meant." She nodded her head.  We walked for 5 minutes in silence and then we finally arrived at the main campus. We both saw the others and power-walked towards them.


I greeted the others and walked together with them to class. I looked at my phone and read the time. "7:00 am," I mumbled. "Since class starts in 35 minutes, we might as well go through our books just in case one of us doesn't understand anything," Ren suggested. We all nodded and took out the necessary things. "Let's go through Math first," Teppei said.

"Ratios. A ratio is a comparison of numbers in a particular order. The numbers are expressed in the same units and are called the term of the ratio. The ratio can be written in the form of a:b or a/b. When the terms of a ratio are multiplied or divided by any number, except zero, an equivalent ratio is formed," I explained. "Did everyone understand that?" I asked. They all nodded their heads and I sighed happily. "Next is English."

"Picture Books and Layouts. The Background is the part of the picture which forms the setting for the main objects, it's usually furthest away from the viewer. The Middle Ground is the middle distance of an image, it makes space in the image. The Foreground is the part of the image closest to the observer, usually holding the most important element," Ren explained. He looked at us and we nodded. "Science!"

"Solar and Lunar Eclipse. An eclipse occurs when one object in space blocks an observer from seeing another object in space. From Earth, we can observe two different types of eclipses; a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes in front of the sun causing a shadow to fall onto Earth. This eclipse is only seen from the place that the shadow falls on. From these places on Earth, it seems that the sun has become darker. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes the Earth's shadow. A lunar eclipse is not totally dark, they can sometimes make the moon appear as a dark reddish-brown hence the name 'Blood Moon'," Tomoya explained. We nodded our heads and looked at the time. "7:24 am."

I started daydreaming and wasn't aware of someone calling my name. "F/N." Ren tapped my shoulder and I looked at him with a creepy smile on my face. I immediately snapped out of my daydream mode and looked at Ren. "You need anything, Ren?" I asked without the creepy smile on my face. "Just wondering if you are free after school," he asked. "In fact I am free. Why?" I responded back. "Would you like to study with us?" He asked. "Sure," I answered him with a smile. I looked back to my Science book and at the corner of my eye, I could see Asano staring at me and it felt like I was being stabbed. I asked Asano what's wrong and he replied nothing and looked back onto his Science book. I looked back to my Science book and scanned it. I looked at the time and quickly got ready for class.

The school bell rang and everyone came in through the door and sat down. The fangirls were drooling over Asano and Ren is being, well Ren. The other 3 was just in their seats minding their own business. I looked at the classroom door as it opened and saw the teacher. He calmed everyone down and started roll-call. He began teaching us about William Shakespeare. He handed us 2 pieces of paper on one of Shakespeares' famous play, A Midsummer Night's Dream.

"These are only parts of the play so it won't be exactly in order. Ms L/N. Can you read the 1st paragraph on the second page of the Original Text."

I nodded. "And, my gracious duke, be it so she will not here before your grace consent to marry with Demetrius, I beg the ancient privilege of Athens. As she is mine, I may dispose of her-which shall be either to this gentleman or to her death-according to our law immediately provided in that case."

"Thank you. Mr Seo, please read the modern text of that."

"And, my gracious duke, if she won't agree to marry Demetrius right now, I ask you to let me exercise the right that all fathers have in Athens. Since she belongs to me, I can do what I want with her-as the law says: I can either make her marry Demetrius-or have her killed."

"Thank you. You all may continue to read and take notes or you can act with your friends. Your choice."

I decided to read through the whole thing and took some notes. 

*Time skip to a 20 minute break time*

Everyone packed up as the break bell rang. The classroom started to get empty and empty and there were only a few students left, including the Five Virtuosos and I. I decided to eat lunch in the classroom so I quickly got ready for my next class. I started daydreaming again and a few minutes later, Ren came up to me and put his arm on my left shoulder. I slowly turned my head and looked at him and I noticed that I was giving him a death stare so I changed my expression. I could tell he was weirded out but I guess he just shook it off like it was nothing. The other 4 came and we all started talking about Haikyuu!! (a great anime). 

Gakushū Asano x F! Reader: Save Me Please. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now