Chapter 4-Edited

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Gakushū Asano POV:

We were all walking home together. Ren, Teppei and Natsuhiko were just talking about the incident that happened today while F/N and I were enjoying the scenery of the orange-pink sky. The sun was setting behind a gigantic tree and it was indeed a beautiful sight. When we got to an intersection, Ren and the other 3 walked away since their house was in a different direction to F/N and mine. "Bye guys, see you all tomorrow!" F/N yelled out as she waved. They all waved back to us and we walked away. I glanced over at F/N and saw her looking up at the sky. "Hey F/N?" She turned over to me and replied. "Yeah?" "Do you want me to walk you home?" I asked. "Oh no. You don't have to," she replied. "I will walk you home!" "Oh, sure," she said with a smile.

We walked passed my house and towards F/N's. I glanced over at her again and saw her smiling. Slowly, that smile disappeared. "We're nearly there," she mumbled. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "It's nothing," she replied, sighing. "Well, by the sound of your voice, something is definitely not okay," I said. "Heh, people say that but really, everything is okay," she replied back. "If you say so."

We arrived at F/N house. "Bye Asano-San," F/N quietly said. "Bye, F/N," I replied then turned away. I pretended to walk away and waited for her to go inside. "Something is definitely wrong," I muttered under my breath. My eyes widened as I heard glass breaking. I turned back and quietly walked towards a gigantic window that showed the living room. The first thing I saw was F/N getting hit. They were not just physically abusing her but verbally too.


I was quietly crying. A tear slowly rolled down my face. I gasped as I was kicked in the stomach by my dad. The kick sends me towards the window. I opened my eyes and immediately saw Asano. His eyes widened. 'No! You weren't meant to see this. No one was supposed to see this!' I closed my eyes as I was picked up from the ground and thrown towards the wall. My parents continued to verbally abuse me. Saying that I'm a waste of space. I'm useless. Telling me to kill myself. After 5 minutes of being kicked and thrown to the wall, they finally stopped. I looked outside as I saw Asano, standing there. I could tell he was shocked. I smiled at him and mouthed the words, 'Help me.'

I got up slowly and used the wall as support. I walked upstairs to my room and took a shower. 'I'm just grateful that I don't have a shift today.' I got changed into my clothes. Looking down at the floor, I wondered what Asano is going to say tomorrow. 'I hope I can end this pain soon.'

My mum kicked my door open and was holding up a rope. "Remember this?" She said as the rope dropped onto the floor. "Yes. You guys fucking used it to try and kill me." "We were doing a favour for the world." Then she left. I just stared at the rope before going through my bag for the pieces of glass I picked up yesterday. 'I totally forgot about this.' I pulled my sleeves up and closed my eyes. I slowly slid the sharp piece of glass across my skin, not aware of how deep it went it. I slowly opened my eyes and saw blood coming out of it. It dropped onto the floor and I just stared at it. My arms and hands were shaking, resulting me to drop the piece if glass. Not thinking properly, I picked up the glass and the sharp edge pricked my thumb. I immediately dropped the glass and looked at my thumb. Blood quickly came out and I just stared at it. 'Why. Why does this feel nice?' I walked towards my bathroom and washed it. I winced in pain as the water hit the scar and pricked thumb. I put a bandage on both minor injuries and walked back out to pick up the glass, carefully. I placed the glass in my drawer and took the other 3 pieces out of my bag. I left it with the bloody one and I put 1 back into my bag just in case I needed it at school.

I walked over to my table and did my homework.

Gakushū Asano POV:

I was shocked by the horrifying scene. 'Why didn't you tell us. No, it's my fault. I should have paid attention to that bruise on her thigh the other day.'


Third Person P.O.V:

'No one would suspect her family to be like this. She smiles every day, but it's all an act. Deep inside her eyes tells a different story that is hidden from the world.' It is period 2, Math. Gakushū glanced over to look at F/N and saw her solving equations in her math book. "Mr Asano, can you please come up and solve this equation on the board?" The teacher said. Gakushū turned back to the teacher and nodded his head. As he stood up, he glanced over at F/N, not making it obvious, and saw a big bruise just near her thigh. His eyes widen but quickly changed his expression when F/N turned around. He walked up to the board and started working out the equation.

*Flashback over*


My thoughts took over. 'I knew it that he saw the bruise! Ugh! Well too late now. He knows...'


I turned around and Asano was standing next to me. He was trying not to make it obvious that he was looking at me but I knew he was looking at me. He walked up to the board and started working out the answer. In my vision, I saw his eyes widen like he saw a dead body or something. Then it hit me. He must have seen the bruise. 'Shit.'

*Flashback over*

Gakushū Asano POV:

I ran home and opened the door. "Where have you been?" Gakuhō Asano asked. "None of you business father," I replied. I walked upstairs into my room. 'Why didn't she tell us? I bet her parents told her not to. She knows better than that. Doesn't she trust us?' I looked up at the ceiling and then towards my phone. I decided to text F/N.

Gakushū Asano: Hey, F/N?


My phone vibrated on my table and it was Asano texting me. "Sorry," I mumbled under my breath and ignored the message. My phone vibrated again. Gakushū Asano: Reply back. I was so tempted to reply back but I didn't want to text/talk to anyone so once again, I ignored it. I walked over to my bedside table and got one of my glass shards out of the drawer. I sat down on my bed and took a deep breath. I hardly pressed the glass as it slowly inserts into my wrist. I slide the glass along my wrist and made a long straight line. I took the piece of glass out and looked at my cut. The cut was deep and I stared at the blood slowly running down my hand. My phone was vibrating like crazy since Asano was texting me none stop. A few minutes passed and the vibrating of my phone wouldn't stop. Finally, 2 minutes later, the phone stopped vibrating. I looked at my phone and jumped when Asano called me. I gave in and placed the glass back into the drawer and picked up the phone.

Gakushū Asano: "I know you are strong. I will save you and protect you...I promise." He then hangs up.

Gakushū Asano x F! Reader: Save Me Please. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now