It's just a dump! Don't be a chump! - Doggy Bags
For those important meaty kisses - Dental meaty chews for dogs
They say it works both ways! Honest! But I'm pulled in both directions! - A dog pull rope toy that can be pulled
Bacon goes with everything but crispy is always best! - Bacon flavoured treats
They always say put your best foot forward - A shoe shaped dog chew
Here's Shaun's fabulously cute dog Ripley with the contents of the parcels. think ShaunAllan would notice if we borrowed Ripley indefinitely? Is that bacon I can see? Crispy?
The amount in the jars and tubs:-
The Glass Jars with Wattpad items in jar A has 9 items in and jar B has 10 items in
Sweet Tub C- 179 sweets
Sweet Tub D - 136 sweets
Sweet Tub E - 356 sweets
Finn's Jar of Chocolate Mint Delights - 69
Wattpad London Unofficial Meet Up - London 5 Aug 2017
Non-FictionSo, I had this crazy idea of putting together a meet up. I've never organised one before but nothing ventured, nothing gained. Trial and error, I muddled through and hey presto with a touch of magic dust, a pc, google and a touch of insanity...