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Today i was just busy walking my dog at the park like usual. She was a black bull terrior. Ive had her since i was 13.. and im now 17..

I took off her leash. I went to sit on the bench but suddenly someone came and slapped my butt.

I turned around seeing it was a tall boy with blonde hair and the widest and cutest smile i have ever seen. But he still slapped my butt.

I look up at him because he was ofcourse taller than me. He smiled but i still frowned. "What the hell?" I said pretty annoyed.

He looked at me with a confused face then lifted his hands up and looked to his left. There was another boy but he has darker skin and brown hair with a goofy smile.

I then looked at him waiting for an explenation with my arms crossed. "Sorry, where kinda playing truth or dare and i had to."

Well it was good to see he doesnt back out of a dare and hes cute too.. i smiled, "its fine, dont worry."

He looked releaved.. he then grabbed my waist and pulled me at my waist. "This is also a dare." He then brought me closer and kissing me. I didnt kiss back but just stood there doing nothing.

Just then i saw my brother running up to us "Emilio what the hell!" He started punching the boy in the face and on the ground.

Then suddenly the boy with blonde hair screamed " Mark stop!" Mark looked up and saw the blonde headed boy and glared back down at Emilio i think his name was.

"This little shit was kissing Y/N!" "Im so sorry Mark he didnt know!" Mark got up and dusted himself off.

He then helped up Emilio. Emilio just got up and took a step back to the boy. "Never again Emilio, never again!" Emilio then quickly nodded and Mark gave him a 'bro hug' or whatever they wana call it.

"Jake where ya been man? Havent seen you in forever!" He gave Jake a hug and Jake smiled "sorry dude the team has just got me. But whe still make time for fun tho" he said pointing to a bunch of people and the all waved.

Strangly enough i have never seen a boy Jake or any of them for that matter. "Y/N how have you been?" I looked up at him and looked at him confused. "Sorry do i know you?" He just laughed.

"Me and your brother was the best of palls in highschool but when i dropped out it we where kinda going our own ways." He laughed "Oh" i said.

"But ofcourse you dont know me and to be honest, i dont really know you either. Only heard of you and saw you.."

I laughed and said "well Jake im Y/N, nice to finally meet you." I just smiled at him and gave him a handshake because i didnt really know him well.

"What are you doing?" He asked laughing. "Uhmmm i ,uhh ,i just wanted, uhh." I said started stuttering and standing there embarresed.

"Well whatever that was, dont ever do it again. Around here we greet eachother properly."

"Oh i, im sorry i didnt kn.." just as i could finish talking he hugged me and i was suprised but after a while i hugged him back.

Jake just laughed "there we go!" I giggled as well.

Then there suddenly where a bunch of people coming. I just backed a way a bit, suprised of the crowd.

Everyone seemingly knew Mark and all intreduced them to me. I just smiled and hugged them.. the proper way then.. i smiled to myself.

There was Nick, Kade, Tessa, Chance, Anthony, Ivan, Emilio, Ericka and Jake ofcourse.

Later Jake offered to let us go to his house that Mark and him could catch up..

I got my dog and Jake took me to drop of my dog at my appartment again. We then where on our way to the 'Team 10 House'.

When we got there it was huge! There was a fricken Lambo in the driveway! I was just so empressed.

We got in the house and everyone went to thier rooms or sat on the coutch watching tv. Mark and Jake were talking quite alot so i just started to wander the house.

Everywhere there stood Team 10 on the walls. I walked out the back door and went to sit on the trampoline then suddenly one of the twins came out. Either Ivan or Emilio.. they looked the same so i couldnt really tell.

He then came and sat next to me on the trampoline. He then gave me a haertwarming smile and said " im sorry for this afternoon." So im geussing its Emilio. I looked at him "its fine honestly. Im just glad he didnt kill you." He chuckled.

He then got up and started jumping, letting me started flying into the air from where im sitting.

I then stood up and started jumping with him but then he looked at the pool then back at me. He stood still while i came to stand beside him.

He then suddenly gripped my waist and the next thing i new was that i was flying over the trampoline and into the pool. The trampoline and pool where close to eachother.. luckely.

I came swimming up but thought that i could get him back. I then let my body go up by itself and held my breath longer. I then floated with my stomach to the bottom of the pool.

I suddenly hear the laughing stop and screaming begun " what the hell! Y/N, Y/N please!" I then felt two hands on my waist pulling me to the side of the pool. I then jumped up and cought him and pushed him under water.

I fastly get out the water and run outside the pool with soaking wet clothes. Emilio came up and swimmed to the sidee of the pool.

"Y/N what the hell! I thought you were actually dead!" He then started shaking of the cold wind blowing like i was.

"Then the goal was achieved!" I started laughing till i couldnt breathe. I saw him also laughing a bit. "And that was also payback!" I winked at him and said "now go get me a towel please. Im freezing my ass off."

"Oh but whe dont want a nice ass like yours falling off do we.." he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and shoved him to get a towel while i was still shivering!

Hey Guys this is my first ever Team 10 book and i hope yall enjoy. Ill try my best to not make it shitty. Thanks for choosing my book and ILL TRY TO UPDATE EVERY DAY because you know what?

Unknown~ xx

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