Chapter XXV: Good Men Do Nothing

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The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
—Jon Stewart

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"Say that again," Aeliana demanded, stepping closer. "Say it!"

"Someone sold out Lilly and James Potter," Regulus reiterated, each word slow and deliberate. "Someone has been sent to kill them."

Even though he repeated the words in a would-be calm manner, his demeanour was anything but. He routinely peered over his shoulder, checking to see if he'd been followed, almost as though he'd developed a strange tick. His fingers restless strummed across his wand or pushed anxiously through his hair, refusing to stay still.

Even as her heart rate quickened, readying the rest of her body to dash to Lilly and James's aid, Lia couldn't help but wonder if she was being set up. After all, Regulus had been infatuated with Voldemort ever since childhood. Loyalties such as those don't fade over night. Even so, she couldn't risk that he was telling the truth and not do anything.

"Just tell me why, Regulus," she asked, anxiously clenching and unclenching her fists. "Why should I trust anything you're saying? How do I know this isn't a trap?"

"Because..." he took a deep breath, looking now more than ever like a seventeen year old kid in far over his head. "Because you're like a sister to me, and if I had to choose between you and my brother, or Lord Voldemort, I'll always choose my family."

She wasn't sure why, but she believed him. She, more than anyone, could understand doing anything for family.

Lia nodded tersely, knowing words wouldn't be able to do  him any justice, before Apparating away.

Perhaps she could tell Remus and have him warn them instead, that way she wouldn't risk having to blow her cover. Far too many people, it seemed, knew of her true colours for her comfort.

If only he wasn't currently a werewolf. That scrapped that plan.

The crunch of snow underfoot as Lia dropped the last few inches to the ground was the first of many surprises upon landing in Godric's Hollow. Twinkling lights draped across cookie cutter houses revealed Christmas creeping just around the corner, but Lia had more important things to do than admire the decor.

Operating more out of muscle memory than anything, she sprinted up to the old Potter house, like she'd done a million times before, but with new purpose. The door flew open before her at the flick of her wand. The crash of the door against the floral patterned wall set footsteps frantically thundering down the narrow staircase, the sound was music to her ears.

I'm not too late.

She saw his wand first, peeking around the corner. Not one to take any risks, seeing as she was, in fact, an intruder in his house, she took action.


Lia reached forward to catch James's wand as it arched through the air, landing easily in her palm.

Gryffindors were famed not for their intelligence but their bravery, however, so James still rushed around the corner to meet Lia, as defenceless as a common muggle and still in his nightclothes.

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