I know

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'' Bri? can I speak to you for a moment'' In turn my head to see Lucas.

''Um yea sure'' I say getting up from te cafetaria table and taking a quick sip from my cola.

''I'll be right back'' I tell heath kissing him on the cheek He nods.

''Yea?'' I ask Lucas once we are outside te cafetaria. Just to explain Lucas is like your typical bad boy I dont have a rush on him tho..........I think.

'' I was wondering is you'll like to go for coffe'' He says placing his greeen eyes on me.

''Um I have a boyfriend'' I say I mentally face palmed great answer Bri great answer.

''I know'' he says walking closer and I hit my back agaist a locker he places is two arms on either side of my head so I cant move. I look around the hall to see if anyones there but no one because they are all having lunch my mind roams around to my Pizza waiting for me to come back to it, I lick my lips hungrily Lucas smashes his lips in mine they were soft and wait I have a boy friend I kick him in the nuts and run towards the exit of my school.

I groan into my pillow as I hear someone knock on my door.

''Babe whats wrong I didnt see you after lunch'' Heath says sitting on my bed.

I didnt say you could come in

''Did something happen'' He asks me

''Yea some thing did happen'' I mutter into my pillow I could feel him move closer to me.

''What happened'' he asks stroking my hair

Lucas freaking Mcguire kissed me. that idiot. and is it bad that I liked it? OMG I'm turning into Jenna from awkward.

''Ugh'' I say sitting up and facing Heath

''What happened you can tell me'' He says rubbing my cheek yup I like like this son of a gun and that kiss didnt mean anything. I smash my lips into Heath's softer lips and slip my tounge into his and move closer to him and jump on him making him fall backwards on the bed and making me on top of him so I am in a kneeling position over his body. I pull away from him and sit back on my bed yup that was way better than Lucas's kiss.

''Wow whatever happened I am greteful'' He says still looking a bit dazed.

''Um Heath I have something to tell you and dont be mad'' I tell him pleading.

''I'll never be mad at you'' he says cupping my cheek in his warm hand.

A tear slipped out of my eye ''Whats wrong'' he says going closer.

''Lucas kissed me but I didnt kiss back in fact I kicked him in the nuts'' I told him e dropped his hand from my cheek and his expression dropped.

''He what?'' Heath says standing up I stood up aswell scared of whats going to happen.

''He kissed you and did you kiss him back?'' Heath asked me.

''NO, No,no ofcourse not'' I told him taking his hand ''As I said I kicked his nuts he might not be able to have children'' I told Heat smiling he smiled back I could tell he was worried maybe that lucas was going to take me awy from him but he didnt have to worry about that

''I am so going to kill him'' Heath said getting angry

''I know you are'' I said hugging him and he hugged me back Heath went back to his room all the way down the hall an I wanted to ask him something.

I walked passed Brian's room and was hearing moans.

I opened the door and my mouth dropped ''Uh I.. Um ...Will..Uh'' I twisted my head dow to the left at the position they were in I pointed and opened my mouth to speak but i closed it again

''GET OUT!'' Brian screamed

''Okay but uh.......Enjoy'' I say to the brunette and close the door behind  me I let out a uge breath Ididnt know I was holding and put my back  to the door

Okay I am officially scared for life.

I shake my head at the thought, and keep on walking down the halway once I finally arrive Heaths room I knock no answer i open nobody's there I knock on all my brothers room and thier not there.

there is only one explanation.


I run out of the house and check for Lucas's ouse adress once I find it  I run there  I knock on the door but it opens its self.

creepy much?

I walk into the living room to see Lucas tied up and a bandana around his mouth wait is that mine? I could only hear muffles from his mouth ''Mmmmhh Mh (Help me)'' He muffles

''I'm not helping you'' I tell him

''Mmmh?(Why?)'' He muffles

''Because you brought yourself in this shit'' I tell him half whispering half shouting.

''Heath baby'' I say as I see heath and my brothers emerge from te kitchen. creepy...

''what are you doing here'' heath asks me.

''Um i was um looking for you and...'' I trail of.

''And?'' Heath asks.

''And we are leaving'' I say pulling heat and my brothers out the door when I am the last to leave I pop my ead in the seating room to see Lucas still tied up he jiggles his wrist.

''Thanks for having us'' I tell him about to close the door.

''Mmmh mh mmh mmhmmmh mmh mmmh mh mhmm (Are you just going to leave me here)'' He muffles from the living room and I close the door.

''His parents are gonna come back soon anyway'' I tell my brothers Then a car pulls up

''Hello miss Mcguire '' I tell Lucas's mum

''Brianna dear nice to see you'' she says smilling

Oh she is in for a surprise

''Did you just come to se Lucas'' she says smilling

''Something like that'' I say smirking

''Alright then bye'' She waves as she opens her door

''Bye'' I say jumping into the car.

that was so close......

A prisoners favourite punctuation mark is the period. It marks the end of his sentence.

Me, Myself and my 12 brothers (ALMOST COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now