CHAPTER FIVE: 4 almost 5

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Chapter Five: 4 Almost 5

***********************Sorry for the very very very late update.

A crash from downstairs pulled me out of my sleep. Could there be... no thats not... I better go check.

I carefully go down the stairs and see a tall man wearing all black rumaging through my kitchen. ''If your looking for something valuable you won't find anything downstairs all my valuables are upstairs'' I say. I notice that he has a knife in his back pocket.

He turns around quickly meeting my icy blue eyes with his emarld green ones  around

his late 20's maybe?... he reminds me so much off no it couldnt be...

For a moment he freezes but then shakes his head and charges at me I quickly react by grabbing he's arm and flinging him forward on my glass table breaking it.

''Aww you broke my table I hope your gonna pay for that'' I haven't felt like this in years and it feels amazing.

He groans and rolls over ''Okay Okay  I'm sorry alright?'' He says trying to get up

I help him up and pin him to the wall ''Okay what do you want'' I say through gritted teeth.

He chuckles lightly '' I just wanted to get some money... sue me for trying on earning money''

''Stealing is not a good way off earning money'' I tell him

''Neither is Fighting...Void'' he says

I let go off him and pull of his mask ''Andrew?''

''The one and only'' he says ''Oh my gosh what are you doing here?'' I ask

''I came to see my favourite fighter'' he says smilling. To be honest he got hot like super hot. I know blah blah I'm a mother blah role model and all that shit but I'm still human.

''where is Anneleise?'' He asks ''You know about he-''

''Right hewre'' She shouts and stumps down the  staircase ''Hello Nathan'' she says

''It's Andrew actually-'' she cuts him of ''No one cares about Andrew.''

''Okay then...''

''Do you know him?'' I ask her ''No, but I over heard your whole conversation. Whats a void?'' she asks tilting her head to one side

''Nothing sweetie go back to your room'' I tell her

''Alright good bye Alex'' she says and walks up the stairs

''Its Andrew!'' he shouts after

''No one cares Ben!'' she says giving him a wink and dissapearing into her room

''That's not even close!'' he shouts

''You know she's messing with you right?''

''Oh I know'' he says smirking and landing on the couch.

I walk up to him so I'm standing beside him ''Get off my couch''


''Cause it's my couch'' I tell him

''Why don't you join me'' he says

''I will not join-'' he grabs my hand and pulls me so I'm laying on top of him ''What the fuck are you doing?'' I ask and try getting up but he pulls me closer so that our faces are inches away. Just then the door to my apartment opens and I turn my head to see Heath.

''What the- Who are- How the-'' he kept stamering I use my knee and hit Andrew in his groin making him release me from his grasp and groan in pain.

Me, Myself and my 12 brothers (ALMOST COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now