Chapter Ten: Seraphina

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"Now, everyone, settle down. We're going to be having a new student in our homeroom and I hope you'll all welcome her. Her name is Seraphina Gideon. You'll see her in a couple minutes, right now she's meeting the principal. When she's done speaking with Mr. Pricing, she'll come straight here. You will all be civil and well-mannered. Is that understood?"

The class moaned. The teacher glared. "Yeeeeeeees," droned the students obediently. Ms. Locks smiled, satisfied.

Minutes later, Seraphina Gideon strutted in. She had showy silvery-blond hair that reached her waist. Her eyes were icy blue, and they flashed around at the class, observing silently. Her lips were a bold shade of red. Her face was perfectly shaped... and she resembled a life-sized doll.

Brook knew it from the moment Seraphina walked in. She was another of them... a doll-person. "Oh, man. Oh, man!" thought Brook. "Another one!"

Seraphina Gideon looked briefly at her homeroom class before seating herself at the vacant desk Ms. Locks directed her to. 

"Welcome to Springdale Middle School, Seraphina. I'm Ms. Locks and this is your homeroom. I understand you just moved?"

"Yes," Seraphina replied shortly.

"Well, that's no problem. I'm sure you'll be at home here in no time," assured Ms. Locks.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that if I were you." Seraphina smiled sardonically. 

"Nonsense," countered the teacher. "Everyone, Seraphina recently moved here from New York City. How are you liking Canada, Seraphina?"

"It's fine, though I have to say, it's very different from New York City. I'm getting used to it now, but I still wish we lived in the big city."

Brook clenched her teeth. "I like it just fine here, and so should you!" she thought fiercely. "Stuck-up city girl!"

Meanwhile, Ms. Locks was sympathetic. "Aww. It's all right here, though. You'll be fine in no time.

"Now, everyone: you know Seraphina has lived in NYC for a while... now get out your pencils and start a short composition!

"And you, Seraphina... I want you to write a composition about yourself. Just basic stuff, nothing fancy. Snap to it, though, because we only have a couple of minutes."


Compositions were piled up on Ms. Lock's desk and the students went out into the halls. Brook and Mia navigated their way to Mr. Davis's math class.

Seraphina was behind them with Gwen following. Gwen was asking her what it was like in the states. Seraphina replied carelessly, hardly glancing at her new admirer.

A short sixth grader was hurrying through the halls— probably lost, Brook thought— and accidentally walked straight into Seraphina. Seraphina fixed the little girl with a glare so hard that she scampered away, almost in tears.

"She's totally gonna be controlling this place soon," thought Brook. "An alien is gonna rule my school soon."

Seraphina sniffed and remarked, "God, this place stinks. What do they use for cleaner in this school? It smells like a natural gas leak!"

She was right. The halls smelled horrible.

Brook, distracted, replied, "A natural gas leak? Are you serious? Where?"

Seraphina snickered. "That's one of the school nutters, Brooklyn Willow," explained Gwen.

Brook was seething. Yes, she'd been stupid, but still..! "One of the school nutters!" The words stung. And Gwen had been a loner at school, until today.

Seraphina and Gwen strolled past.


Mrs. Garrett looked coldly at the new student. "No makeup allowed, missy," she announced crisply.

Seraphina glanced at the teacher and justified herself. "It isn't makeup."

Mrs. Garrett argued, "Well, of course it is. Do you take me for a fool, girl?"

Seraphina denied it. "I'm not wearing makeup."

"Humph. Let's see about that." She pulled a tissue from the box on her desk. She wet it with water from her water bottle. Mrs. Garrett wiped Seraphina's mouth. Then she looked at the tissue. "No stain. So it really wasn't makeup."


Brook and Mia, along with the rest of Springdale Middle School, streamed out of the halls and outside.

Seraphina and Gwen were only a couple feet away. Gwen dropped her bag on the ground and fixed her shoe. Then she slung her bag over her shoulder and said, "Bye, Seraphina. I'm going home."

Seraphina nodded absently. She watched as Gwen started to walk home. Then she turned and swung her gaze to the school parking lot. She scanned the cars parked, but none of them caught her eye.

Just then, a shining, black Tesla rolled smoothly into the lot. Seraphina's eyes lit up. As soon as it parked, a fashionably-dressed lady ran out and embraced her.

"Fifi! How was your day?"

"Not here, Mom!" Seraphina hissed.

Brook was trying not to laugh. Seraphina, sophisticated and superior, had been nicknamed Fifi!

"Sorry," Mrs. Gideon apologised. "Let's go home and then you can tell me all about your day."

Brook sighed and started for home.


Brook dropped her bag on the floor.

"Hey, Mom. I'm home."

"Hey, darling."

"Can I go over to a friend's house?"

"Sure... but be back by 3:00."

"I will."


Evelyn scrubbed harder. The filthy walls of her kitchen were getting their first cleaning in years. If only she could get that orange smear off... 

For days she had been busying herself with household tasks to take her mind off her niece. Her time was occupied by sweeping, mopping, dusting, and today, scrubbing. 

There was a timid knock at the door.

Irritated that she had been interrupted, Evelyn groaned, dropping the sponge on the cluttered counter. She stomped to the front door and wrenched it open.

Brook. Brook was standing on her porch, a determined look on her face.

"You. What do you need?"

Brook looked her straight in the eye and said, "Temporary truce? We need to talk."

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