Chapter 5

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Zanefrost and Hawkwing returned from hunting around sunset, both of them carrying very plump birds in they're jaws.
"Nice catch," a dark ginger Shadow Clan tom with green eyes complemented.
"You are Firestorm, correct?" Zanefrost asked the tom.
"I guess that makes you Zanefrost, Goldblaze has told me about you," Firestorm mewed, he seemed to be holding in his true excitement. "You're just as smart as he said you were," this caught Zanefrost off guard, he had barely said two words to Goldblaze earlier. How could he have built an opinion on him so quickly?
"Is there a reason you're here?" Hawkwing asked, his tone harsh.
"Oh right Goldblaze and I want to talk to you, Zanefrost. Since the three of us are all new to the clans we should get to know each other." Firestorm reasoned, and Hawkwing roles his eyes.
"Why'd they let you in?" Hawkwing asked, and Firestorm puffed out his chest with pride.
"I saved Violetpaw from two of Darktail's rouges. Those thugs didn't stand a chance against me." Firestorm bragged, placing a paw on his chest as he spoke.
"Thank you..." Hawkwing murmured, "for saving my daughter. Zanefrost don't have too much fun with those two." He meowed, and Zanefrost purred before following Firestorm to the elder's den.
"Good, you convinced him," an aging golden and white tabby tom mewed, gazing at Zanefrost with pride in his eyes.
"Convinced me of what?" Zanefrost asked, who were these cats?
"Come on Zane, your smart enough to have noticed who we are by now," Firestorm said, and Zanefrost's breath caught in his throat.
"Krux told me you were dead..." he trailed off as happiness overwhelmed him. "You are here, that is all that matters now."
"Well what now, we haven't seen Krux, but Acronix is still hanging around we think he's with Darktail." Goldblaze said.
"Yeah and he seems even more unhinged than before," Firestorm added, and Zanefrost hung his head.
"I think I know why Acronix as teamed up with Darktail..." he paused and waited before continuing. "When Krux told me you were dead something in me just snapped. I got so angry, and I couldn't stop myself and... I killed him..." a shocked silence followed his words.
"You killed him!" Firestorm half shouted.
"Enough, we can not change the past, but together we can protect the future--"
"Lightwhisker, Zanefrost killed someone. As much as we fight we have never killed any of our enemies. Master Wu, how can we trust him now?" Goldblaze asked, Zanefrost could see the horror in their eyes.
"I thought you were dead, I didn't know what else to do. I had been going crazy with worry and when Krux told me you were dead I lost control. After hearing stories about how Darktail chased Sky Clan out of their home in the gorge I knew there was chance of them joining forces. I could not let that happen," he explained, before turning to leave. "I'm glad you are all alive, but maybe it's best that we are members of different clans." He said, the weight of his words made his heart feel like a stone in his chest. The looks on their faces burned themselves into his mind and Zanefrost knew they would stay there.
"You look like you've seen a ghost," Hawkwing mewed as they settled into a nest for the night.
"Hawkwing, I just want to be here with you," Zanefrost murmured, pressing his muzzle into Hawkwing's fur.
"Those cats are your friends aren't they?" Hawkwing asked, and Zanefrost nodded.
"I told them about Krux, and Lloyd-- Goldblaze said they shouldn't trust me," Zanefrost felt like crying, his heart feeling like it was being torn to shreds by hundreds of claws.
"Don't worry, I will always trust you," Hawkwing mewed, giving Zanefrost a lick on his forehead.

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