Chapter 1

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Hawking jumped onto the lowest branch of an oak tree. He was deputy of Skyclan and now he had to be stronger than ever, For his remaining clanmates. And for Pebbleshine. A bright light illuminated the shady forest and the screeches of cats in pain filled Hawkwing's ears. Jumping down from the tree he dashed in the direction of the yowls. A silver tom dashed past him and jumped onto the nearest tree. He clung the the trunk shaking, fear sent coming off of him in waves. Hawkwing approached the terrified cat, carefully placing his paws as to not make any  unessisry noise. He jumps like a one of my clanmates!
"Are you alright? What were you running from?" Hawkwing asked, the tom turned his blue eyes seemed to glow in the half light under the canopy.
"I'm not sure," the tom said, jumping down from the tree. He even lands like one of us! "As for your other question, my friends and I were fighting The Hands of Time," Hawkwing tipped his head to one side, confused.
"The what?"
"The Hands of Time, Crux and Acronix," Hawkwing understood now.
"They're your enemies," the tom nodded. "A few more questions. What's your name? Where are your friends? And are you injured?" Hawkwing asked.
"My name is Zane. My friends all ran off in different directions. And I am unsure of my own wellbeing at this point in in time," Hawkwing nodded.
"Come with me then, we can help you find your friends," Zane nodded, and without another word he fell into step beside Hawkwing. Hawkwing was empresses with how tough Zane was. He's limping and is still able to match my stride! Perhaps we came make a warrior out of him.
As they approached Skyclan's temporary camp Hawkwing saw Echosong and Leafstar come padding toward them.
"Hawkwing, where in the name of Starclan have you been?" Echosong asked, before she could say more Leafstar raised her tail for silence.
"Who have brought to our camp, Hawkwing?" She asked calmly.
"This is Zane, he was in a battle with two cats that he calls The Hands of Time," Hawkwing explained.
"Then I should take a look at him," Echosong said, waving Zane over with her tail. "Fidgetpaw, can you get out the cobwebs, colt's foot, and some marigold," a young black a white tom nodded and began digging out the herbs Echosong had asked for. "Zane, I need you to lay down for me so I can work on your head wound easier," motioning with her tail to a nest of bracken.
"That won't be  nessasery, my friend Nya already took care of it," Zane said, Echosong took a sniff at the cut.
"Well she did a very pour job. That cut wreaks of infection," Echosong said flatly, Zane pulled his ears back. He decided that it was better not to argue with Echosong. "Now, what exactly caused this wound, it looks too blunt to be have been made by claws," she said as she dabbed a pulp of marigold and colts foot into the old cut.
"I'm not sure, I just remember pain and waking up in the middle of the battle," Zane said, digging his claws into the bracken bedding.
"Alright, I need you to rest now. Just sleep and you'll feel better when you wake up," Echosong mewed, running her tail down Zane's back to smooth his ruffled fur. Echosong padded out of her den and was met by Leafstar.
"How's our new friend?" She asked.
"A bit loopy, but with a name like Zane I didn't expect much else." Echosong said, amusement laced in her mew.
"Dose he know where his friends are?" Hawkwing asked.
"No. But I will wait and see if Starclan sends any signs," Echosong replied, before padding back to her den. See glanced toward Zane who was sleeping peacefully in his nest with his nose tucked under his tail.
"He sure falls asleep quick." Fidgetpaw said, and Echosong purred.
"You should too," she said, giving her apprentice a swift lick on the ear.

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