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"You handled that better than I expected." Rick smiled as we passed several planets.

"That was so cool though!" I smiled. "Does that mean that they know about us? Or do they like... hate us?"

"I have a bit of a reputation.... they wouldn't dare to enter our planet without shiting themselves." Rick said, gripping the steering wheel.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Perfectly fine." He said, clenching his teeth.

I shook my head and looked out the window, deciding not to push the matter. If he wanted to tell me, he could do it in his own time. I'm not going to be the person who forces somebody to talk, especially when it means so much to the other person.

"What? You're not going to question why I'm so angry?" He asked, annoyance lacing every word.

"If you don't want to talk in not going to make you, Rick." I shrugged.

He rolled his eyes. "Or maybe you just don't care enough to know."

"To be fair, Rick, we just met yesterday. You broke into my house, and brought me into space. As awesome as that last one is, I can't exactly say I trust you, or you trust me."

"Yet you let me stay inside of your home..."

"I didn't know what to do! I was stuck in a corner Rick!"

"So you wouldn't care if I just packed up and left huh?" He snapped.

I looked at him, shocked. "Rick I don't know-"

"Good, didn't want to stay forever anyway." He rolled his eyes.


There he was, cigarette in hand, walking out of my house. I sat at the window, watching him walk to his car, to fly who knows where. My heart broke, tears were rushing down my cheeks.


I had only met the guy yesterday. Why am I so attached to him? I turned around and looked down, deciding it best to just leave it...

If he wanted to leave so badly he could go, who am I to stop him?

I walked to the stairs, stopping as I placed my foot down. I turned around, and sat down with my elbows on my knees. My head in my hands, the warm tears now going down my arm.

Why was this happening to me?

"I thought you were actually going to stop me." Rick scoffed. "Turns out you're too much of a pussy to do that."

I glared at him and stood up, turning around without another word. Maybe if he left it wouldn't be such a bad thing...

Just before I reached the top, my wrist was harshly grabbed. I turned around to see Ricks pained face, he opened his mouth to speak, but I tried to pull my wrist out of his hand.

He was far stronger than me, mentally and physically. I helplessly watched him try to form a sentence, yet he let me go with a sigh. I rolled my eyes and continued to my room, shutting the door.

"Why me..." I muttered, clutching a pillow to my chest.

I heard the door open, and Rick clear his throat. I sighed and sat up, looking at his hurt expression.

"Look, what I said wasn't all the way true." He stated.

"Okay?" I rolled my eyes. "What's your point?"

"You wanna get something to eat?"

"Is that your an attempt for an apology?"

He sighed and looked down. "Did it work?"

The Young Rick (Rick Sanchez x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now