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Was on a writing spree so... Ima post this one now and the next one in the morning!

*wink wink*

"You ready?" Rick called.

"Mhm! Give me a single moment!" I said, checking to make sure everything was in order.

My hair was done up, and I was wearing a (F/C) dress that went just a bit below my knees. I sighed and grabbed my phone, walking out of the bathroom door. Rick stood with a black suit, and wide eyes.

"You look... stunning..."

"Thanks..." I said, looking down and bitting my lip.  "Uh you look good too..."

"Honey I always look good." He grinned, causing me to laugh.

"Alright narcissist, lets get-"

I paused. "I don't have a car..."

"What's the address?"

After giving him the address, he shot a portal and we appeared on the porch. He took my hand and put the portal gun away, knocking on the door. He looked at me with a smile, and gave my hand a squeeze of reassurance.

"(Y/N)!" (F/N) (friend name, or random name) smiled. "You made it!"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world!" I smiled. "This is my boyfriend, Rick."

"Wow, landed a hottie..." she winked. "Come on in guys!"

"Thanks." I smiled dragging Rick inside.

"Is there alcohol here?" He whispered.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Kay, you do whatever, I'll be over there." He smirked, walking to the table stacked with alcohol.

An hour later, the house was filled with woman crying and yelling, as the men watched them like predators watching their pray. Rick stood alone, boredly watching everyone. His eyes met mine, and he gave me a head nod and continued drinking his drink and watching everyone.

I smiled and began walking over, only for some girl to stand in front of him. She went to place her hand against his chest, before he grabbed her hand harshly. He gave her a menacing look, looking at me while softening his eyes, and let her go with a slight push backwards.

"Yo, you can't do that to my girl!" A man hissed at him.

"Yet she can touch me?" Rick asked.

The man threw a punch, which Rick caught and pushed him back. "You're so goddamn lucky my girls watching, because I would have you on your knees begging for forgiveness as I beat your face in."

"You let your girl control your life?" He snickered. "Why don't you grow a pair and fight me."

"I don't want her to be in the middle of a-"

"You slut!" I hissed at the girl. "Keep your goddamn hands off my man!"

"You don't deserve a god like him, bitch." She smirked, throwing a punch.

I dodged it, punching her stomach and grabbing a fist full of her hair. Her boyfriend screamed at Rick to make me stop, but he simply grinned and watched me fight.

At the end, the girl was passed out on the floor as I wiped away blood from my nose. Her boyfriend lifted her up, glaring at me, as Rick placed an arm around my shoulder.

"We should probably get going." Rick said, placing a kiss on the side of my head.

"Bye (F/N)!" I said as Rick shot a portal.

We stepped through, only to find that he brought us to a cliff side with the most beautiful sight of the moon.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, wiping more blood away.

"For one your nose is bleeding, and two, you just beat the shit out of some girl who tried to touch me so..."

"I had a few drinks..." I admitted. "Jealousy's a bitch..."

"There's no need to be so jealous babe." Rick shook his head as I walked closer to the cliff side. "Be careful, I don't want you to fall-"

As I turned to face him, my heel broke, causing me to fall off of the cliff. I yelled Ricks name desperately as I fell, yet he was a second too late. I wanted to scream, but the noise was simply stuck in my throat.

Memories began to pass me by as I fell, causing my brain to go hazy.

This was it.

I was going to die today-

"You fucking idiot." Rick smiled, catching me.

"H-How did you catch me?" I asked.

"Robotic arms." He shrugged.

He placed me against the ground, and I began sobbing. He pulled me into a hug, holding me as I cried. He began running his hand through my hair as I calmed to the rhythm of his heart beat.

"I know baby, I know." He said softly. "I'm here, it's okay, we're okay."

The Young Rick (Rick Sanchez x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now