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PSA: Italicized words will be fans messages

"Hey guys." I smiled, waving at the phone. "Been a while since I've done this, huh?"

I sat, watching the numbers up, and up and up, before I began to read the questions. I took a bite of the egg (if you don't like eggs, or are vegan, feel free to replace it with something else), and gulped down (choice drink).

"Who you talking to?" Rick asked, standing in the doorway to the kitchen.

"Oh, I'm Instagram streaming... I think that's what it's called? Fuck it I don't care." I shook my head, looking back at the phone. "Who is that? Oh that's Rick, my Boyfriend."

He chuckled and shook his head. "Didn't you want it to stay secret or something?"

"Oops." I shrugged, bitting into another piece. "Uh, where have I been? I ran away from home, stayed at a new place for a few years before I met Rick..."

"Rather I broke into this place." He smirked, straddling a chair next to me as he stared at the phone. "A million views, huh?"

"Yeah, normally it's a lot higher but I kinda went ghost mode for a bit." I explained. "People love to watch me I guess..."

"Well, I was going to do something, but this is way better..." He grinned.

"Not sure wether to take that as an insult or..." I sighed. "Anyway, why'd I leave my parents? I'd rather not get into that whole... mess... and about that interview? Rick and I had a fight and... well... I left him... and I feel like an indoor for that but... it's okay now. We made up, and we're both as okay as we could be."

"You two are so cute!" Somebody wrote.

"Nah, she's the cute one." Rick said, causing me to blush. "I'm just the one that makes food, and takes her shopping and stuff..."

"That's not true!" I gasped. "You've done so much more for me! Don't even fucking say that about yourself!"

"See? Can you see how defensive she gets of me? And I'm the guy in this relationship!" He laughed, throwing his head back, nearly ripping over the entire chair.

"Right..." I rolled my eyes.

"What happened to your brother?"

I blinked, Rick noticed. "What, what's wrong?"

"N-Nothing, nothing." I shook my head dismissively. "I'm fine, can you just like talk to them when I go to the bathroom?"

"Course." He grunted. "Leave me with YOUR fans..."

"THIS GIRLS GATTA PEE!" I yelled, rushing to the bathroom.

Third Person

"God she's so adorable..." Rick muttered, completely forgetting there was a camera. "Anyway, what did you guys ask her that caused her to get upset?"

"Do you know where her brother is?"

"Ah, this makes more sense..." He sighed. "She's really upset about her brothers disappearance, so if we could stay away from that topic that would be helpful..."

"Did you really break into her house?"

"Yeah, I offered to pay rent, gave her my entire back ground, and all the things she needed to trust me. I made her breakfast every morning and BOOM. She fell in love."

"Do you know why she left her parents?"

"Her parents are assholes that tried to force her to be something she isn't. She's not a girly girl, she's not dependent, and she sure as hell doesn't blindly follow instructions. She's the most perfect definition of smart, independent, and badass..."



"Alright im back-" she paused. "Why is everyone freaking out in the comments?"

"No reason." Rick grinned.

"I swear to god-" she stopped and her jaw dropped. "FUCK WE HAVE A SHIP NAME NOW?!"

He simply shrugged. "All I said was the truth..."

"Rick..." she whined, sitting down next to him.

Accidentally changed into second person half way through... sorry!

He tsked and lifted her up, placing her onto his lap. She blushed deeply as his arms fell around her waist, his chin resting on her shoulder. You stared into the camera, noticing Ricks unmistakable grin as he winked.

"You're such a jackass..." you muttered, staring at nothing but him.

"But I'm your jackass." He chuckled, causing a shiver to go down your spine. "Like that babe? Me whispering in your ear in a deep, near growl?"

You sighed. "Please not with two million people watching..."

He chuckled darkly. "Maybe later then, huh?"

"You've got a left hand, use it." You rolled your eyes.

"God I wish I had a relationship like yours..."

"I'm sorry honey..." you shook your head sincerely. "I hadn't meant to flaunt our relationship. I can send him out of you want-"

"What?!" Rick gasped. "You would send me out?!"

"If it's making other people upset, yes." You nodded.

"No! Rick is amazing!"

"I know right?!" Rick sighed. "I'm so amazing that she can't even tell!"

"I will kill you in your sleep." You growled.

"Good luck with that sweetie." He said, kissing your cheek.

"Fuck you Rick..."

"My left hand will later. Yes."


"You're the one that made that joke." He chuckled. "Besides, there going to find out one way or another that a penis-"

You covered his mouth. "STOP. JUST. FUCKING. STOP."

"You know you love me." He said, his voice sending vibrations through your hand.

"Yes, I love you, but not right now because you're pissing me off."

The Young Rick (Rick Sanchez x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now