4. Old Love, New Hate

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The room was the same as last time.

Gold and purple banners hung against the wall, with golden flowers printed across them and the symbol for monsters painted across the thin cloth. Two large thrones with red cushion lining sat in the center of the room, next to each other, one for the King, and one for the Queen. Not much else was in the room apart from a few tables lining the walls near the back of the room. I suppose they wanted it to be a replica of the throne room in the underground; the only things missing were the door leading off to the barrier and the expansive garden of golden flowers. At least you could walk across the room without crushing loads of plants.

Taking another drag from my cigarette, I slowly walked towards the center of the room, flopping down on one of the thrones and throwing my legs over the side. Stained glass windows were dotted along the walls, showing the city outside. Breaking through the clouds, sunlight poured in, painting the room with different assortments of colours. It would have been beautiful if I cared, or if this was any place else.

Suddenly, the double doors at the front of the large room were pushed open, capturing my attention and causing my head to turn towards the sound. There stood none other than Asgore, Toriel, and Papyrus - all with very displeased expressions on their faces.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I drawled lazily, puffing out tendrils of light grey smoke. I watched as Papryus' face crinkle in disgust, setting resentment like a burning fire in my soul from just seeing him.

"Sans, thank you for coming. It would be appreciated if you could not sit on the thrones." Asgore began, stepping forward.

"Skip the formalities, what do you want?" I sighed, standing up and assuming my full height- the same height as Papyrus unfortunately. But hey, I certainly didn't need height to intimidate someone; the scars along with the general aura of 'don't mess' usually put off offenders.

"Yes, we do not need to speak any longer than needed." Papyrus murmured, not meeting my steely glare.

"You know, Papyrus, I hated you before and guess what? I still do you asshole." I growled, grinding my teeth together in absolute rage.

Toriel stepped out from behind Asgore, placing a hand on Papyrus' chest and one before me, her long purple gown rippling around her.

"We are not here to discuss the past, so if you would forget your hatred for each other for just a moment then maybe we can get somewhere." Her impermeable voice silenced us both, as Asgore took it as his chance to speak.

"Sans, you have been assaulting surrounding human camps, have you not? Do you understand why this is a problem?" Asgore spoke, a serious aura about him.

"It ain't a problem. We hate humans, so we get rid of em'." I responded flatly, stubbing the cigarette butt on the throne's arm and leaving a dark circle, burnt into the material.

"That is not how we go about ending this war, Sans."

"Neither is it your job." Papyrus cut in, taking a step forward. His cold glare filled me with resentment for a person who used to be my brother, my world. Emphasis on the used to be.

"Well it's not like you're getting anywhere with that bullcrap you call an army." I retaliated, balling my fists and stepping closer to him.

"Calm down. That is something else we wanted to address." Asgore continued, stepping in between Papyrus and I.

"We think we could use you in the Royal Guard, to do what you are doing now but with more... legality." Asgore finished, watching me cautiously for a response. 

Laughter rippled out of my mouth before I could stop it, making me bend over and clutch my sides uncontrollably. Did he really say what I just thought he said? 

"You want me.. *gasp*.. to join the Royal Guard?" I continued to laugh, wiping invisible tears from my eyes.

"That's absolute bull, man." I laughed, finally having calmed down. Glancing to see their faces, frowns adorned each and everyone of them, whilst Papyrus rolled his eyes, anger on his face.

"Why are we inviting him to join?! He is of no use to us, and he is absolutely idiotic, no use at all." Papyrus listed, shaking his head furiously. They obviously didn't tell him of the ridiculous plan beforehand.

"Shut your trap, dude, no one asked for your crappy opinion." I sneered, the previous laughter forgotten, coming face to face with him, or rather, skull to skull.

"You say one more rude thing and I shall be sending you back to that rat hole in numerous pieces." Papyrus retaliated, shoving me back with his gloved hands.

"You don't wanna threaten me, asshat." I growled, my white pupils disappearing from my eye-holes and being replaced by one dangerous amber orb, magical energy spilling out and licking the sides of my eye socket.

"Sans! Papyrus! Calm down this instant!" Toriel shouted, but it fell on deaf ears as blue magic surrounded my body and lifted me into the air.

"You're gonna regret that." I smirked, raising my hands. Like it was nothing, I separated myself from his flimsy blue magic, grinning at his shocked expression. Amber magic formed foot-holds beneath my feet, holding me in the air. With a flick of my hand, I summoned numerous amber shards, hovering in the air and only suspended by my will. With one lift of my finger, I could have them pin that jerk to the wall, but I was already feeling tired from the camp raid I did this morning. Besides, I wasn't evil. But having said that..

Shaking off the thoughts, I sighed, getting rid of the fiery shards and settling back down on the ground. Papyrus seemed surprised, but was soon on his feet, ready to throw quips at me again.

"ENOUGH!" Asgore thundered, jumping us all.

"I will not have violence in these walls, built upon the peace of a brighter future!" I rolled my eyes, but wisely chose to not say a word. I might have hated the king, but I couldn't be bothered with anymore pointless fighting.

"Then I'll be leaving. You can take that invite and stuff it up your ass, I ain't joining a camp for wusses who don't know how to run a city or treat their family right." I hissed, before walking past them and shoving past Papyrus' shoulder. Silence followed me as I exited the room, my chest heaving with anger.

Without a moment to waste, I teleported out of the building, despite my lack of energy. Exhaustion weighed down on me like a ton of bricks, but it couldn't stop the waves of fury that came crashing through me. A decrepit house stood in front of me, with walls wasting away at the slightest touch. The building that used to be my 'home'. Not the present one with the bar or the many drunk patrons, but the one of 3 years ago- a place I liked to smash up every now and then when I was the most... emotional.

Without any self-control, I let rip, hammering my fists into the wall, punching holes through the flaking plaster and bricks and numbing the pain coursing through my body. Profanities fell from my mouth like it was nothing, as I punched the wall until my fists were black and bloody.

At some point I must have started crying, for whatever reasons unknown to myself, as tears rolled off of my cheeks and fell, dampening my jacket and jeans in dark splotches. I slumped against the wall, sinking to the floor in defeat - mostly exhaustion - finally falling asleep.


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