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I endlessly kept committing a pathetic graveyard of flagrant idiosyncrasies; just so that you could correct me; with the eternally magical righteousness in your bountiful voice,

I endlessly kept tossing and turning on the coldbloodedly laconic floor; just so that you could put me to heavenly sleep; with the compassionately timeless sensuousness in your tantalizing fingers,

I endlessly kept speaking derogatorily insipid lies; just so that you could Omnipotently enlighten me; with the essence of unassailably glorious truth in your unflinching stride,

I endlessly kept myself egregiously emaciated; just so that you could majestically placate my every desire; with the fortress of invincible camaraderie in your impeccable eyes,

I endlessly kept nonchalantly staring at meaningless bits of barren sky; just so that you could stupefy me to the most unprecedented limits; with the mesmerizing cadence in your magnetic senses,

I endlessly kept maliciously abusing whosoever I encountered in my way; just so that you could teach me to be civilized; with the principles of priceless humanity ubiquitously disseminating from your every breath,

I endlessly kept fretting and fuming at everything that was laid my way; just so that you could marvelously quell all my lunatic restlessness; with the regally silken charisma of your soul,

I endlessly kept executing the most abashing of spelling mistakes; just so that you could aristocratically enrich me; with your insuperably magnificent power of linguistics,

I endlessly kept myself drearily dirty and languishing like a chunk of insipid shit; just so that you could rejuvenate even the most infinitesimal of my traumatized senses; with the insatiable exuberance in your victorious leap,

I endlessly kept bruising myself without the slightest rhyme or reason; just so that you could perennially anoint my disastrously slavering wounds; with the religion of impregnable humanity in your divinely palms,

I endlessly kept agnostically repenting every beautiful moment of my life; just so that you could ingratiatingly drift me towards the skies of the unconquerably Omniscient Lord; with your spirit of patriotically blazing freedom,

I endlessly kept impudently slandering my revered elders; just so that you could royally mitigate me from the crutches of crucifying mercilessness; with the unbelievably altruistic tranquility enshrouding your humble existence,

I endlessly kept ridiculing the most handsomely symbiotic ideals of creation; just so that you could make me blend with the celestial rudiments of my creation; with the goodness of your magnanimously sacred spontaneity,

I endlessly kept skeptically surmising about even the most harmonious of saints; just so that you could beautifully filter the acrimonious dirt from my mind; with your undauntedly untamed conviction,

I endlessly kept sadistically victimizing my own self; just so that you could perpetually guide me towards the most wonderfully replenishing salvation of my life; with the carpet of your resplendently embellished desires,

I endlessly kept uncontrollably shivering under the deathly chill of the scurrilously vindictive night; just so that you could entwine me in your splendidly humanitarian warmth; with the inferno of boundless desire rampantly simmering in every pore of your skin,

I endlessly kept preposterously indulging myself into a plethora of imperiling vices; just so that you could metamorphose my entire personality into that of a
synergistically innocuous organism; with the mantra of ebullient triumph radiating unstoppably from your eyelashes,

I endlessly kept forgetting even the most quintessentially vital things; just so that you could pamper the child in me to the most unfathomable fullest; inundate my diminutively impoverished life with the limitless happiness in your everlasting soul,

And I endlessly kept trying to extinguish every speck of my beleaguered existence; just so that you could incarcerate my penuriously quavering senses in the entrenchment of your immortally blessing love; blissfully uniting our lives in holy matrimony; for times even after infinite more births of ours yet to come .

You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 4Where stories live. Discover now