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RELAX. Let the whole world outside crazily Run. As you're the only one who's eventually destined to bond with her perpetually sacrosanct fragrance; by the
grace of the Omnisciently Almighty Lord,

RELAX. Let the whole world outside desperately Run. As you're the only one with whom she had insatiably desired to bond; since the very first cry of her everlastingly mesmerizing birth,

RELAX. Let the whole world outside bizarrely Run. As you're the only one who care's for her; more than anyone else on this gigantic earth could ever cogitate; or ever could,

RELAX. Let the whole world outside pugnaciously Run. As you're the only one whom she unrelentingly fantasized about; all blisteringly sunlit day and
every unfurling minute past the heart of fantastically voluptuous midnight,

RELAX. Let the whole world outside disastrously Run. As you're the only one whom she congenitally likes to court; keep perennially embedded as the most priceless jewel in the center of her impeccable eyes,

RELAX. Let the whole world outside ludicrously Run. As you're the only one who's dedicated to even the most infinitesimally fugacious cause of her vibrant life; embracing every obnoxious impediment that came her way without a tear in your victorious eye,

RELAX. Let the whole world outside lunatically Run. As you're the only one whom she intransigently prayed for since she emanated her very first breath; immortalizing you as her eternal mate even before her brain had the power to think,

RELAX. Let the whole world outside fanatically Run. As you're the only one whom she tirelessly sketched on the pristine seas shores; even as the truculent waves irritatingly swiped your impressions umpteenth times in a single minute,

RELAX. Let the whole world outside disparagingly Run. As you're the only one whom she considered as revered as her godly parents; to bountifully harness the
chapter of her iridescently beautiful life,

RELAX. Let the whole world outside deliriously Run. As you're the only one whom she indefatigably serenaded; even as the most hedonistically torrential of maelstroms; lambasted the earth from every construable side and space,

RELAX. Let the whole world outside preposterously Run. As you're the only one whom she irrefutably considered her every destiny line; the fascinating litany of
events timelessly unveiling in her blessed life,

RELAX. Let the whole world outside egregiously Run. As you're the only one whose name she chanted even in the realms of unconsciously deep sleep; Omnisciently witnessing your portrait in every goodness that she poignantly caressed,

RELAX. Let the whole world outside insipidly Run. As you're the only one whom she unflinchingly patronized; even as corpses of bawdily indescribable savagery
asphyxiated her from all sides,

RELAX. Let the whole world outside baselessly Run. As you're the only one whom she envisaged as the ultimate prince of her destitute life; unassailably enlightening the lamps of her fretfully withering existence,

RELAX. Let the whole world outside superfluously Run. As you're the only one whom she sensuously cavorted with in every wink that she mischievously took,

RELAX. Let the whole world outside remorsefully Run. As you're the only one whom she marvelously solemnized for your articulately astounding versatility;
insuperably blending with the blood that flowed through your artistic veins,

RELAX. Let the whole world outside fecklessly Run. As you're the only one whom she impregnably wanted to be a quintessential ingredient of her existence; the pinnacle of successful fragrance in her truncated life,

RELAX. Let the whole world tyrannically Run outside. As you're the only one whom she had perpetually coalesced with even the most mercurial breath that she
diffused; for infinite more births yet to unleash,

And RELAX. Let the whole world barbarously Run outside. As you're the only one whom she had immortally given all her heart and love to; unconquerably enveloping herself in your embrace so passionate; that even the God's considered it sinful to break .

You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 4Where stories live. Discover now